Shelving using SCHULTE's plug-in system: modular, flexible, innovative
Plug-in shelving is ideal for placing and removing items by hand. Thanks to its plug-in connection, the shelves are quick and easy to assemble and also offer a higher maximum load capacity than shelves with a bolted connection. They can be installed for single and double shelving as well as for multi-storey shelving systems and have a special system perforation that makes changing accessories easy. As a result, plug-in shelving provides efficient and flexible storage solutions for the widest possible range of items and storage types.
Efficient utilization of storage capacity
The perforations in the MULTIplus T-profiles in the SCHULTE plug-in system are arranged in a 25 mm grid. In combination with the MULTIplus85 and MULTIplus150 shelves, which also feature an edge height of 25 mm, this enables unique flexibility when it comes to adjusting the height and utilising the storage capacity.
The compatibility of the grid and shelves makes it possible to optimally adapt them to suit the items to be stored, thus enabling the greatest possible utilisation of the space.
MULTIplus shelves with variable edge heights of 25 and 40 mm
The shelves from SCHULTE Lagertechnik are available with edge heights of 25 mm and 40 mm. The load capacity of the Multiplus shelves can be immediately identified by the stamped mark at the front edge.
With their 25 mm edge height in combination with our T-profile 25 mm grid, our MULTIplus85 and MULTIplus150 shelves offer you optimal utilisation of the storage area.
Variable widths and depths for optimal adjustability
The SCHULTE Lagertechnik shelves are available in four different widths and a wide range of depths. This enables optimal adaption to the existing storage area and the stored goods.
Variable shelf load capacity for all types of items
SCHULTE Lagertechnik offers four different types of shelf to suit the most diverse requirements on the load capacity of the shelf. The MULTIplus shelves, MULTIplus85, MULTIplus150, MULTIplus250 and MULTIplus330, can achieve shelf loads of 85 kg to 330 kg. The option of using bearers makes it possible to increase the load capacity of the shelves up to 410 kg. Retrofitting is possible at any time.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa |
Åland |
Albania |
Andorra |
Belgia |
Bosnia-Hercegovina |
Bulgaria |
Danmark |
Estland |
Færøyene |
Finland |
Frankrike |
Gibraltar |
Guernsey |
Hellas |
Hviterussland |
Irland |
Island |
Isle of Man |
Italia |
Jersey |
Kroatia |
Kypros |
Latvia |
Liechtenstein |
Litauen |
Luxemburg |
Malta |
Moldova |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
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Norge |
Østerrike |
Polen |
Portugal |
Romania |
Russland |
San Marino |
Serbia |
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Slovenia |
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Storbritannia |
Svalbard og Jan Mayen |
Sveits |
Sverige |
Tsjekkia |
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Ukraina |
Ungarn |
Vatikanstaten |