SAND A55 P750
SAND A55 P750
SAND A55 P750
SAND A55 P750
SAND A55 P750
SAND A55 P750

    SAND A55 P750

    SAND A55 P750 has a symmetrical geometry, characterized by the strong and marked appearance of the frets, which makes it particularly suitable for use in facade cladding of commercial and industrial buildings.

    • It is mainly used as a roofing slab, especially where a high load-bearing capacity is required.

      Compared to the SAND A55 P600, it has a greater useful width of 750 mm.

      SAND A55 P750 can be ordered in the following versions: Positive (use as a dry floor), Negative (use in roofing) and CLS (for composite floor).

      The possible bending operations are: fixed radius bending, variable radius bending.

      The following applications are available on the internal side: SANDnodrip non-woven fabric with anti-condensation function, or SANDcontrol non-woven fabric with anti-noise and anti-condensation function.

    Tekniske spesifikasjoner
    • Unik ref.sand-a55-p750
    • Produktfamilielamiere grecate
    • Produktgruppesand A55
    • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
    • Utgivelsesdato2021-04-28
    • Utgavenummer1
    • Høyde (mm)55
    • HovedmaterialeMetall
    • Designet iItalia
    • Produsert iItalia
    • BIMobject kategoriBygg - Tak
    • UNSPSC-navnLaminate flooring
    • UNSPSC-kode30161710
    • OmniClass-nummer23-13 17 11 15 11 15
    • OmniClass-tittelLaminated Rigid Profiles