Kelyfos Rooftile

Kelyfos Rooftile

KELYFOS ROOFTILE & POLYTILE KELYFOS ROOFTILE Kelyfos Rooftile is a composite thermal insulation tile (dimensions 30x60cm) comprising a thermal insulation layer of extruded polystyrene (Ravatherm XPS X) and a surface finish of a white protective layer of cement mortar of 2cm thickness. The extrusion process gives Ravatherm XPS X its distinctive closed cell structure and the following physical properties: Low modulus of thermal conductivity Low water absorption High compressive strength Also, Kelyfos Rooftile is designed to offer the greatest possible advantage in inverted insulation of flat roofs, as its edges have a tongue and groove profile that ensures the extinction of thermal bridges and the excellent walkability of the final surface. POLYTILE Polytile is a composite thermal insulation tile (dimensions 30x60cm) comprising a thermal insulation layer of extruded polystyrene (Ravatherm XPS) and a surface finish of a white protective layer of cement mortar of 2cm thickness. The extrusion process gives Ravatherm XPS its distinctive closed cell structure and the following physical properties: Low modulus of thermal conductivity Low water absorption High compressive strength Advantages Reducing thermal bridges, due to TG configuration Protection of structure from weathering Protection of the water insulation layer from aging Ease and speed of installation Lightweight (46kg/m2) appropriate for flat roofs requiring lightweight surface covering Possibility to re-use the material in cases of extensions or new floors addition.
Tekniske spesifikasjoner
  • Unik ref.Kelyfos-Rooftile
  • TypeByggemateriale
  • Utgivelsesdato2024-09-30
  • Utgavenummer1
  • BIMobject kategoriByggematerialer - Beskyttende belegg

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