2.3.4 WALL LININGS - WAB studs

2.3.4 WALL LININGS - WAB studs

Independent wall lining consisting of a frame made from Z5 galvanized steel plate profiles, using XL Pladur® studs and XL Pladur® U-tracks (horizontal elements), whose inner side, depending on the height being covered, requires bracing for the studs using angle profiles that attach the core of the studs to the load-bearing wall, leaving a minimum space of 10 mm between the frame and the wall. Two WAB Pladur® boards are screwed to the external side of this frame. Commensurate amounts of Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tape, watertight/acoustic perimeter joints, etc., as well as anchors for channels on the floor and ceiling, etc. Completely finished with Quality Level 1 (Q1) for tile finishes, laminates, furring, etc. Also with Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3), Level 4 (Q4), according to the surface finish (to be determined by the design). Core of the Pladur® structure filled completely with mineral wool. Installed according to Pladur® recommendations, UNE 102043 Standard and CTE requirements.
  • Interior and façade wall lining to increase thermal and acoustic insulation, exposed to high humidity.
Tekniske spesifikasjoner
  • Unik ref.pladur_2_trds_2_34
  • Produktfamilie2. Trasdosados PLADUR®
  • Produktgruppe2.3. Autoportantes
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Utgivelsesdato2025-01-27
  • Utgavenummer1
  • Hovedmaterialegips
  • Sekundært materialeMurpuss
  • BIMobject kategoriVegger - Finishes