Alta sofa and bench

Alta sofa and bench

Alta is a steel and wood lounge furniture series designed for both outdoor and indoor settings. The series embodies simplicity, inclusiveness, and versatility. With its soft, pillow-like wooden details, Alta exudes an inviting ambiance. Alta offers flexibility and comfort for both solitary relaxation and cozy togetherness with someone special.

What sets Alta apart, as the name suggests, is the ability to elevate (altitude) the furniture by adding perforated screens to the back or sides. This can create a more private atmosphere, allowing users to enjoy the sensation of sitting in the warm spring sun without needing a building to lean against.

Tekniske spesifikasjoner
  • Unik ref.alta-sofa
  • ProduktfamilieFurniture
  • ProduktgruppeSofas
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Utgivelsesdato2024-02-06
  • Utgavenummer1
  • Høyde (mm)131
  • Bredde (mm)1750
  • Dybde (mm)780
  • HovedmaterialeStål
  • Sekundært materialetre
  • BIMobject kategoriLandskapsutforming - Utendørsmøbler
  • IFC-klassifiseringMøbler
  • ETIM-kodeEG017960
  • ETIM-navnFurniture
  • Uniclass 2015 kodePr_40_50_12_48
  • Uniclass 2015 beskrivelseLounge chairs
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kode12 50 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 tittelFurniture
  • OmniClass-nummer23-11 29 13 13
  • OmniClass-tittelExterior Chairs

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