ALPOLIC™ fr  for India
ALPOLIC™ fr  for India
ALPOLIC™ fr  for India

    ALPOLIC™ fr for India

    ALPOLIC™/fr is a fire safe ACM composed of aluminum skins and a fire-retardant core (non-combustible mineral-filled core). It passes most countries' fire-safety codes for exteriors and interiors. Compared with solid aluminum panels, ALPOLIC™/fr is lightweight, rigid and flat. The coating line ensures uniform color and smooth coating. Coating variations includes the Patterns (Stone, Timber, Metal, and Abstract), produced with a unique image-transfer coating.


      • ALPOLIC™/fr consists of approx. 70% of non-combustible ingredient within the core material.

      Tekniske spesifikasjoner
      • Unik ref.alpolic_fr-India
      • ProduktfamilieALPOLIC
      • ProduktgruppeEXTERIOR / INTERIOR
      • TypeByggemateriale
      • Utgivelsesdato2025-02-27
      • Utgavenummer1
      • HovedmaterialeAluminium
      • Designet iJapan
      • Produsert iIndia
      • BIMobject kategoriVegger - Kledning

      Tilgjengelighet etter region
