LK CubicSecure measures your water flow in real time and detects water leaks immediately. The water safety unit protects your home from damage caused by drip leakage and broken water pipes. The compact design makes LK CubicSecure easy to install and fits in cabinets.
LK CubicSecure works completely on its own and does not need any connection to the internet. If, on the other hand, you want to receive notifications about alarms and the opportunity to see your individual water consumption, the product needs to be connected to Wi-Fi. When the device is connected, you can control LK CubicSecure remotely through LK's App.
LK CubicSecure is developed and manufactured in Sweden with advanced technology for water measurement.
Tilgjengelighet etter region
Europa | Asia | Nord Amerika | Afrika | Sør Amerika | Oceania |
Åland | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algerie | Argentina | Amerikansk Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Antigua og Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Andorra | Aserbajdsjan | Aruba | Benin | Brasil | Cookøyene |
Belgia | Bahrain | Bahamas | Botswana | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Bangladesh | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Fransk Polynesia |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Belize | Burundi | Ecuador | Guam |
Danmark | Brunei | Bermuda | Den demokratiske republikken Kongo | Falklandsøyene (Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Estland | Christmas Island | Canada | Den sentralafrikanske republikk | Fransk Guyana | Marshalløyene |
Færøyene | De forente arabiske emirater | Cayman Islands | Djibouti | Guyana | Mikronesiaføderasjonen |
Finland | Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet | Costa Rica | Egypt | Paraguay | Nauru |
Frankrike | Filippinene | Cuba | Ekvatorial-Guinea | Peru | New Zealand |
Gibraltar | Georgia | Curaçao | Elfenbenskysten | Surinam | Niue |
Guernsey | Hongkong | Den dominikanske republikk | Eritrea | Uruguay | Nord-Marianene |
Hellas | India | Dominica | Eswatini | Venezuela | Norfolkøyene |
Hviterussland | Indonesia | El Salvador | Etiopia | Ny-Caledonia | |
Irland | Irak | Grenada | Gabon | Øst-Timor | |
Island | Iran | Grønland | Gambia | Palau | |
Isle of Man | Israel | Guadeloupe | Ghana | Papua Ny-Guinea | |
Italia | Japan | Guatemala | Guinea | Pitcairn | |
Jersey | Jemen | Haiti | Guinea-Bissau | Salomonøyene | |
Kroatia | Jordan | Honduras | Kamerun | Samoa | |
Kypros | Kambodsja | Jamaica | Kapp Verde | Tokelau | |
Latvia | Kasakhstan | Jomfruøyene | Kenya | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Kina | Jomfruøyene | Komorene | Tuvalu | |
Litauen | Kirgisistan | Karibisk Nederland | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Luxemburg | Kokosøyene | Martinique | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Malta | Kuwait | Mexico | Liberia | Wallis og Futuna | |
Moldova | Laos | Montserrat | Libya | ||
Monaco | Libanon | Nicaragua | Madagaskar | ||
Montenegro | Macao | Panama | Malawi | ||
Nederland | Malaysia | Puerto Rico | Mali | ||
Nord-Makedonia | Maldivene | Saint Kitts og Nevis | Marokko | ||
Norge | Mongolia | Saint Lucia | Mauritania | ||
Østerrike | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Pierre og Miquelon | Mauritius | ||
Polen | Nepal | Saint Vincent og Grenadinene | Mayotte | ||
Portugal | Nord-Korea | Saint-Barthélemy | Mosambik | ||
Romania | Oman | Saint-Martin | Namibia | ||
San Marino | Pakistan | Sint Maarten | Niger | ||
Serbia | Palestina | Trinidad og Tobago | Nigeria | ||
Slovakia | Qatar | Turks- og Caicosøyene | Réunion | ||
Slovenia | Saudi-Arabia | USA | Rwanda | ||
Spania | Singapore | Sankt Helena | |||
Storbritannia | Sør-Korea | São Tomé og Príncipe | |||
Svalbard og Jan Mayen | Sri Lanka | Senegal | |||
Sveits | Syria | Seychellene | |||
Sverige | Tadsjikistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Tsjekkia | Taiwan | Somalia | |||
Tyskland | Thailand | Sør-Afrika | |||
Ukraina | Turkmenistan | Sør-Sudan | |||
Ungarn | Tyrkia | Sudan | |||
Vatikanstaten | Usbekistan | Tanzania | |||
Vietnam | Togo | ||||
Tsjad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Vest-Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |