ELV Simplex Sump Pump System with OilTector®

ELV Simplex Sump Pump System with OilTector®

ELV Auto-Valve Simplex Series with OilTector®
Elevator Sump Pump System

Simplex pump system detects oil and water - allowing for diversion of oil to a separate tank via automatic electronic valves. For use in elevator pits, vaults and other areas requiring the control of oil discharge from sump water.

Tekniske spesifikasjoner
  • Unik ref.libertypumps-elvautoseriesoiltector
  • ProduktfamiliePlumbing
  • ProduktgruppePumps
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Utgivelsesdato2015-03-04
  • Utgavenummer1
  • Designet iUSA
  • Produsert iUSA
  • BIMobject kategoriRørsystem - Pumper

Tilgjengelighet etter region

Nord Amerika

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