By the necessity of reducing thermal bridges and rising damp at the base of standard masonry walls borns the the new aerated autoclaved cellular concrete block (AAC) GASBETON IDRO.
Beyond the excellent thermal insulation capacity and high compression resistance, this product offers much lower water absorption values, compared to standard blocks. This can be possible thanks to special idrophobic agents spread evenly distributed through the volume of the block.
Autoclaved aerated cellular concrete (AAC) IDRO blocks are ideal for the realization of the first of blocks at the base of standard masonry and GASBETON® walls, for reducing rising damp and linear thermal bridges. They can be used for partition walls or infill walls. They're useful, for example, at basement, at ground floor and in each situation where there's the risk of water stagnation (like balconies or terraces).
Cellular concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, aerated autoclaved cellulare concrete, aerated autoclaved cellular concrete block, thermal insulation, thermal inertia, breathable, soundproofing, fire resistant, light, ecological, green building, recyclable, brick, wall, infill, casing, closure, structural, non structural, partition, partition wall, involucre, casing, thermal cut, idrophobic
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