Fachada MC450 - AD - Básico Mecánico de 4"
Fachada MC450 - AD - Básico Mecánico de 4"
Fachada MC450 - AD - Básico Mecánico de 4"

    Fachada MC450 - AD - Básico Mecánico de 4"

    Mechanical joint façade system Wide range of studs according to the requirement of mezzanine anchors Options of external covers according to aesthetic requirements of the facade 2.5” inner view section Reinforced with connector profile Good thermal and acoustic performance Sealing elements: hermetic plug and hermetic gasket This façade system helps buildings seeking a Leed certification
    • Assembly styles: 45° Assembly Glazings: 6, 9 and 24mm Water resistance A4 (300 to 500 Storm) Air infiltration P4(9 to 3 Storm) Static air pressure V5 (>232 Hurricane) Thermal transmittance EE4 (3.4 to 2.5 High) Acoustic performance AA4 32 to 39 High)
    Tekniske spesifikasjoner
    • Unik ref.cuprum_mc450ad_solucion_mecanica_4_pulgadas_premium
    • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
    • Utgivelsesdato2023-08-07
    • Utgavenummer1
    • Høyde (mm)2000
    • Bredde (mm)2000
    • HovedmaterialeAluminium
    • Sekundært materialeGlass
    • Designet iMexico
    • Produsert iMexico
    • BIMobject kategoriVegger - ringmur
    • IFC-klassifiseringVegg

    Tilgjengelighet etter region

    Nord Amerika