Designing Co Working Spaces Must be able to adapt to a variety of usage patterns It can be used as a meeting room or as a guest room. Therefore, every function must be easily adaptable to use, such as the Rotating Powerdock that can rotate the power socket freely from any angle.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Azië |
Armenië |
Azerbeidzjan |
Bangladesh |
Bhutan |
Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium |
Brunei |
Cambodja |
China |
Christmaseiland |
Cocoseilanden |
Filipijnen |
Georgië |
Hongkong |
India |
Indonesië |
Japan |
Kazachstan |
Kirgistan |
Laos |
Macau |
Maldiven |
Maleisië |
Mongolië |
Myanmar (Birma) |
Nepal |
Noord-Korea |
Oezbekistan |
Pakistan |
Singapore |
Sri Lanka |
Tadzjikistan |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Turkmenistan |
Vietnam |
Zuid-Korea |