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Residential Direct Vent Gas Water Heater

Residential Direct Vent Gas Water Heater

Direct Vent water heaters utilize a co-axial (pipe inside a pipe) vent pipe that takes air in from the outside (outer vent) and vents combustion gases directly back to the outside (outer vent). It is the perfect choice for situations with insufficient combustion air. No electricity required.
Technische specificatie
  • Unieke ref.bradfordwhite-0041
  • ProductfamilieHVAC: Water Heaters
  • ProductgroepStorage Water Heaters
  • TypeObject (enkelvoudig object)
  • Publicatiedatum2016-12-16
  • Editienummer1
  • Ontworpen inVerenigde Staten
  • Gefabriceerd inVerenigde Staten
  • Categorie BIMobjectHVAC-apparatuur - Boilers

Beschikbaarheid regio

Noord Amerika
Verenigde Staten