Modern hook for all rooms of the home. Supplied with screw pins for wall mounting. Wall hook Dalby is available in the designs polished copper, polished brass or polished untreated brass.
Untreated brass ages and patinas beautifully over time
Our products in untreated brass lack protective lacquer so that the brass surface can react with oxygen and patinate. Untreated brass is an honest, vibrant, and ever-changing material with a lively surface that darkens and stains beautifully over time. Note that products in untreated brass with a brushed surface tend to darken faster than those in polished untreated brass. If you wish to brighten or remove stains from the products, they can easily be polished with a suitable metal polish.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Europa |
Åland |
Albanië |
Andorra |
België |
Bosnië en Herzegovina |
Bulgarije |
Cyprus |
Denemarken |
Duitsland |
Estland |
Faeröer |
Finland |
Frankrijk |
Gibraltar |
Griekenland |
Guernsey |
Hongarije |
Ierland |
IJsland |
Isle of Man |
Italië |
Jersey |
Kroatië |
Letland |
Liechtenstein |
Litouwen |
Luxemburg |
Malta |
Moldavië |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
Nederland |
Noord-Macedonië |
Noorwegen |
Oekraïene |
Oostenrijk |
Polen |
Portugal |
Roemenië |
San Marino |
Servië |
Slovenië |
Slowakije |
Spanje |
Spitsbergen |
Tsjechië |
Vaticaanstad |
Verenigd Koninkrijk |
Zweden |
Zwitserland |