Lattice and perforated security grilles reduce the risk of damage and disassembly associated with traditional grilles in secure areas. With minimum and maximum security options as well as a variety of mounting types, these grilles are suitable for supply and return applications.
Featuring all-welded construction and integral wall sleeves, the MSPG perforated face steel maximum security grille is one of the most popular security grilles styles in the industry.
Typical Applications
Security grilles reduce unwanted access to ductwork in spaces where supervision is minimal and vandalism or misuse is a risk. Such areas include: correctional facilities, psychiatric hospitals, rest stops, park facilities, schools, and sports venues.
Beschikbaarheid regio
Noord Amerika |
Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden |
Anguilla |
Antigua en Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahama's |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermuda |
Britse Maagdeneilanden |
Canada |
Caribisch Nederland |
Costa Rica |
Cuba |
Curaçao |
Dominica |
Dominicaanse Republiek |
El Salvador |
Grenada |
Groenland |
Guadeloupe |
Guatemala |
Haïti |
Honduras |
Jamaica |
Kaaimaneilanden |
Martinique |
Mexico |
Montserrat |
Nicaragua |
Panama |
Porto Rico |
Saint Kitts en Nevis |
Saint Martin |
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines |
Saint-Barthélemy |
Saint-Pierre en Miquelon |
SaintLucia |
Sint Maarten |
Trinidad en Tobago |
Turks- en Caicoseilanden |
Verenigde Staten |