Designed for laboratories and clean rooms, ProtectWALL 2CR is a high-performance vinyl wall covering that protects walls against impacts, scratches and stains. Flexible and easy-to-install, it is designed to ensure hygienic installation and reduce the level of environmental pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles and chemical vapors. It is also 100% phthalate free.
Its smooth surface is treated with our Top Clean XP surface protection for easy cleaning and extra hygiene.
ProtectWALL 2CR is colour-coordinated with our Tapiflex, Acczent, iQ Granit, and iQ Optima ranges.
지역 가용성
남아메리카 | 북미 |
가이아나 | 과테말라 |
베네수엘라 | 니카라과 |
볼리비아 | 멕시코 |
브라질 | 벨리즈 |
수리남 | 엘살바도르 |
아르헨티나 | 온두라스 |
에콰도르 | 코스타리카 |
우루과이 | 트리니다드토바고 |
칠레 | 파나마 |
콜롬비아 | |
파라과이 | |
페루 |