DESSO Essence Maze boasts a stunning geometric pattern with 12 possible colour combinations. Its refreshed palette draws on eight neutral shades – ranging from light to dark – and four accents, for producing dramatic effect. Starting with anthracite grey and taupe browns, and moving on to eye-catching reds, greens and navy blues, the individual tiles grant endless creative possibilities. Every option can be paired with DESSO Essence tiles in a block colour, and installed at random to striking effect. As part of the DESSO Essence family, DESSO Essence Maze can easily be combined with DESSO Essence, DESSO Essence Stripe and DESSO Essence Structure, to offer high quality flooring at an affordable price.
지역 가용성
남아메리카 | 북미 |
가이아나 | 과테말라 |
베네수엘라 | 니카라과 |
볼리비아 | 멕시코 |
브라질 | 벨리즈 |
수리남 | 엘살바도르 |
아르헨티나 | 온두라스 |
에콰도르 | 코스타리카 |
우루과이 | 트리니다드토바고 |
칠레 | 파나마 |
콜롬비아 | |
파라과이 | |
페루 |