The Steffes ThermElect Hydronic (9100 Series) is a commercial, institutional, and industrial heating system that blends hydronic heating with Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) technology. Schools, hospitals, and churches are just a few examples of facilities that have successfully reduced their peak demand, better managed their energy consumption, and saved money with off-peak ETS heating systems.
Low-cost electricity is utilized to store electricity as heat in specially designed high-density ceramic brick. Brick core temperature is regulated by outdoor temperature and heat need. The stored heat is transferred from the bricks to a water solution and circulated to where heat is needed.
The control system allows for easy customization and building load management integration. The ThermElect Hydronic Furnace is an environmentally friendly heating system offering great safety and reliability with minimal maintenance.
The Steffes ThermElect Hydronic off-peak electric heating system is extremely flexible and can handle multiple zones. Its versatility allows it to be used in, but not limited to, any of the following applications: primary space heating, supplement to heat pumps or boiler systems, pre-heating of fresh air, and domestic water heating.
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