UV-C disinfection trolley The UV-C trolley is designed to disinfect professional surfaces within a coverage of 30m2 square area or 48m2 circular area. The one arm trolley achieves 3-log disinfection within 30 minutes and with the two arm version this will be achieved within 15 minutes. The longer disinfection duration last, the wider disinfection coverage area will be. Both, the one arm and two arm UV-C disinfection trolley come without a sensor. The trolley is ideal for offices, banks, schools, retail outlets, hair and beauty shops, and hospitality areas such as hotel guest rooms and restaurants. It works well to be brought into a bus or train, when people have left. With the 360° wheels, UV-C trolley is a flexible solution as it can be easily and fast replaced and repositioned in the room/space
지역 가용성
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말레이시아 |
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방글라데시 |
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부탄 |
브루나이 |
스리랑카 |
싱가포르 |
아르메니아 |
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영국령 인도양 지역 |
우즈베키스탄 |
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인도네시아 |
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조선민주주의인민공화국 |
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카자흐스탄 |
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홍콩 |