제품 게시
E0130 - Workstation, Documentation, OR, L-Shaped

E0130 - Workstation, Documentation, OR, L-Shaped

3.8 out of 5 stars3.8(6 reviews)
A 60" L-shaped documentation workstation for use in the OR. The workstation may be either a right or left hand configuration. It will consist of a back panel with dry-erase whiteboard, marker storage tray, optional mounting for monitors, an articulating task light and a keyboard tray. The workstation will also include electrical, data, telecommunication and video cable channels and wire ways to support various applications. An integrated power source will be desk-top mounted and provide two electrical outlets, a telephone jack and a computer network jack.
기술 사양
  • 특징 참조E0130
  • 제품군Workstation
  • 제품분류Documentation
  • 유형필수 객체
  • 게시일2016-01-01
  • 에디션 넘버1
  • 높이(mm)1400
  • 너비(mm)1680
  • 깊이(mm)1370
  • 설계국가미국
  • 제조국가미국
  • BIMobject 카테고리가구 - 사무용 테이블
  • IFC 분류가구 요소

지역 가용성
