제품 게시
Sentrel Gate

Sentrel Gate

3.0 out of 5 stars3.0(5 reviews)
Sentrel Vertical Cable Balustrade and Pool Fencing is manufactured using the highest quality timbers, stainless steel cable and fittings. The innovative use of vertical stainless steel wire and selectively sourced timbers ensure a long-lasting solution to stylish and practical balustrade and fencing needs. Vertical cables are easily tensioned and are fully compliant with Australian Standards for verandahs over 4m in height, a breakthrough for home owners and designers looking for stylish timber and steel solutions for new or retro-fitted multi-storey construction.
기술 사양
  • 특징 참조gate
  • 제품군Gates
  • 제품분류Stainless steel & Wire
  • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
  • 게시일2013-07-08
  • 에디션 넘버1
  • 주 재료나무
  • 부 재료스테인레스강
  • 설계국가오스트레일리아
  • 제조국가오스트레일리아
  • BIMobject 카테고리문 - 문
  • IFC 분류난간
  • UNSPSC 이름Gates
  • UNSPSC 코드301720