Introducing a new dimension in agile working
Open-space areas and large offices are great when it comes to making the most of the available space. But what about when concentrated working is required? Introducing se:cube, the rapid response for creating new spaces. The new office cube from Sedus has set new standards in terms of assembly, acoustics and atmosphere and offers space for up to eight people retreat, hold meetings or for relaxation.
Type/dimensions/space requirements/weight:
The floor, wall and ceiling elements must be made up of special lightweight boards with a unique 3D core structure. These intelligent lightweight boards should weigh just 1/3 of that of a conventional wood-based board material of the same thickness. Furthermore, they should be extremely stable and facilitate very simple electrification and cable routing within the tops.
The office cubes must have GS certification from TÜV.
Depending on the size of the room, the ceiling of the office cubes should be made up of 1 or 3 lightweight panels. The soundproofed ventilation and lighting are to be assembled in the central technology panel. The slightly suspended lighting should completely cover the ventilation and control unit so that no ventilation slots and sensors are visible.
Depending on the room size, the floor must be made up of one to three elements. These must be connected together and levelled out using glides which can be accessed from above (S = 12 x, M = 16 x and L = 24 x). There must be an opening in the foremost floor panels via which the power supply from the building to the office cube can be accessed. Power connection to the office cubes must be based on the plug and play concept. The se:cube floor is a structural element. The height difference must not exceed 75 mm. The resulting difference in height of 75 mm must, if necessary, be compensated for in full using a rubber ramp (available from RO-Flex GmbH).
The office cube system should be fitted with glass panels on one or two sides. Glazing on one side is standard and always refers to the side with the door. With glazing on two sides, the opposite side is also glazed.
The fixed glass panels are to be supplied as 10.76 mm VSG-SI laminated safety glass with an intermediate acoustic foil, so that db 38 RwP is achieved.
Glass manifestation
To ensure the safety when using the office cube system, the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) Information 208-014 set down in Workplaces Ordinance Annex no. 1.5 (3) must be taken into account. Therefore, there must be circumferential partial glass manifestation on the glass surfaces at eye level for the office cube (bottom edge 1400 mm from the floor). This must be included in the product as standard, but can be deselected if the customer would like to apply their own foil wrapping.
The all-glass doors must be hinged on the left or right on the corner element or positioned in the middle and have an opening angle of around 160°. The door must always open to the outside. The fittings, the lowerable floor seal and handles with the lock case are to be delivered in graphite structure metallic.
There must be a choice of two door versions:
The doors are to be equipped with dummy cylinders and cannot be locked as standard. It must be possible to insert profile cylinders with 56.5 mm backset into the lock case to allow for adaptation to customer-specific locking systems at a later time. This takes place after the assembly of the office cube by the customer.
Exerior walls
The closed walls are to be fitted with upright melamine panels on the outside. They must come in clear white as standard. These panels are to always be matched to the exterior colour of the office cube. These walls must also be optionally equipped with writable whiteboards , thus providing additional usable creative surfaces.
Sound insulation/acoustics:
The sound insulation of the office cube must be so good that the office cubes can be positioned in the middle of an office. Speech intelligibility depends on the ambient noise level in the surrounding space. Carpets and wall absorbers must be used to achieve optimum room acoustics without flutter echoes and low reverberation times. It also depends on the number of closed walls. The fabric-covered wall panels must improve the reverberation time of the office cube, thus leading to better speech intelligibility. The office cube must be subjected to acoustic testing to determine the sound level reduction and reverberation values. Sound level reduction describes the reduction of sound transmission from the inside of the office cube to the outside and vice versa, taking into account the frequencies relevant for speech. Certification according to DIN ISO 11957 (2010) must be available.
The following acoustic fittings are to be provided:
A soundproof ventilation unit must be located in one of the two closed walls next to the door. It creates a negative pressure in the office cube. The fresh air is thus to be drawn in through the also soundproofed air supply in the ceiling above the lighting, drawn through the room and fed into the wall through the ventilation grille at the bottom. The ventilation unit then must convey the stale air at the top of the se:cube back to the outside into the surrounding area. The large cross-sections of the ventilation elements must ensure that the process is quiet and there is no perceivable draught. No ventilation covers must be visible on the outside.
A clearance of 20 cm above the ceiling of the office cube must be sufficient to ensure a good exchange of air in the room.
As a guideline, 35-45 m³/h of fresh air must be taken as the basis for each person. When setting up the ventilation, the comfort mode must be individually tailored and set to the size of the room and the planned interior, including the number of people. The fully automatic control must regulate the fan based on the room temperature and CO2 content of the room air. If the optional membrane switch is selected for manual control, it must also be possible to control the lighting and ventilation individually.
Air exchange rates for the room size, depending on the temperature and CO2 levels:
The office cube control must be fitted with a run-on time for ventilation which is automatically triggered when the room is exited. The run-on time for ventilation must not be less than 5 minutes to ensure a complete exchange of air and thus guarantee that the room is optimally prepared for subsequent use.
The product must be packaged in reusable containers (Germany) or disposable pallets (abroad) depending on the size and application of the office cubes. Items must be supplied in sections in order to keep the transport volume as small as possible.
Depending on size, the transport volume must not exceed:
Quality and ecology:
The office cube system must be designed to meet the following requirements:
The product manufacturing processes are to be certified according to:
지역 가용성
유럽 | 아시아 | 아프리카 |
건지 | 네팔 | 이집트 |
그리스 | 대만 | |
네덜란드 | 대한민국 | |
노르웨이 | 라오스 | |
덴마크 | 레바논 | |
독일 | 마카오 | |
라트비아 | 말레이시아 | |
러시아 | 몰디브 | |
루마니아 | 몽고 | |
뤽상부르 | 미얀마(버마) | |
리투아니아 | 바레인 | |
리히텐슈타인 | 방글라데시 | |
맨섬 | 베트남 | |
모나코 | 부탄 | |
몬테네그로 | 브루나이 | |
몰도바 | 사우디아라비아 | |
몰타 | 스리랑카 | |
바티칸 시국 | 시리아 | |
벨기에 | 싱가포르 | |
벨로루시 | 아랍에미레이트 | |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 | 아르메니아 | |
북마케도니아 | 아제르바이잔 | |
불가리아 | 아프가니스탄 | |
산마리노 | 영국령 인도양 지역 | |
세르비아 | 예멘 | |
스발바르 얀마옌 제도 | 오만 | |
스웨덴 | 요르단 | |
스위스 | 우즈베키스탄 | |
스페인 | 이라크 | |
슬로바키아 | 이란 | |
슬로베니아 | 이스라엘 | |
아이슬란드 | 인도 | |
아일랜드 | 인도네시아 | |
안도라 | 일본 | |
알바니아 | 조선민주주의인민공화국 | |
에스토니아 | 조지아 | |
영국 | 중국 | |
오스트리아 | 카자흐스탄 | |
올란드 제도 | 카타르 | |
우크라이나 | 캄보디아 | |
이탈리아 | 코코스 제도 | |
저지섬 | 쿠웨이트 | |
지브롤터 | 크리스마스섬 | |
체코 공화국 | 키르기스스탄 | |
크로아티아 | 타지키스탄 | |
키프러스 | 태국 | |
페로 제도 | 터키 | |
포르투갈 | 투르크메니스탄 | |
폴란드 | 파키스탄 | |
프랑스 | 팔레스타인 | |
핀란드 | 필리핀 | |
헝가리 | 홍콩 |