Frame system
The frame system is based on a support beam solution consisting of a central or double support beam and desktop support. The desktop supports ensure a high level of stability, and are also used to hold third level adapters, a CPU holder and laptop holder. The desktop is simply clipped on.
The frame system for double workstation units provides for a gap of 100 mm. This results in a total depth of 1700 mm for double workstation units with 800 mm deep desktops. When 900 mm deep desktops are used, the total depth of the double workstation unit is 1900 mm. The gap of 100 mm offers many opportunities for the design of the third level.
Desks with telescopic or crank-operated height adjustment
The easy-to-assemble frame system for desks that adjust either telescopically or by means of a crank consists of a central support beam with welded desktop supports. It varies according to the width and depth of the desktop. The leg frames are screwed securely to the frame.
With crank-operated height adjustment the central support beam synchronously transmits the rotation of the crank to both leg frames.
Desks with motorised height adjustment
The frame system is based on a support beam solution consisting of a double support beam and welded desktop supports. The motors and control are optimally framed by the double support beams. The optimum connection between the leg frames and frame system is achieved by means of a sturdy screw system with six bushes that ensures the optimum transmission of force to the frame system.
Leg frames
Each workstation has a column for height adjustment on each side. The desk columns are connected together by crossbars to form an O-frame. A leg support at the front is not necessary.
The design of the leg frames as an O-frame gives the user optimum legroom. The leg frames have adjustment glides to balance out uneven floors. A crossbar between the leg frames serves to accommodate the cable tray for the basic electrical connection.
For a calm appearance, optionally the leg frame can be formed as a panel solution. For this a steel modesty panel is attached between the columns. In addition to the outer modesty panel an inner panel is also available, which allows for vertical cable management via the O-frame.
The following height adjustment options are available:
Telescopic height adjustment:
Crank-operated height adjustment:
Motorised height adjustment (double telescope):
The desks with motorised height adjustment have two control columns, each with a drive. A double workstation unit with motorised height adjustment thus has a total of 4 drives. The motors are contained in steel housings on the outside that are connected to the frame system by means of a screw system with six bushes, and ensure the optimum transmission of force to the frame. The smooth sliding guide ensures that the double telescope runs safely, guaranteeing a high level of stability.
The desktops are available as 19 mm thick three-layer chipboard with melamine resin finish or veneer.
The use of three-layer chipboard must be appropriate to the substrate compliant with EN 312-2003.
Only E1 quality wood materials are used.
System technology
Connecting element
To connect two workstation units a spacer is available. In particular with desks with crank-operated and motorised height adjustment, a minimum gap of 25 mm is left between adjoining surfaces to prevent injuries from crushing or abrasion. The spacer creates a gap of 50 mm. A spacer with preparation for lamp installation is also available. The lamp installation is designed to accommodate Waldmann desk-mounted workplace lights.
Optionally the spacers can be equipped with cable trays for concealed routing of cables between workstations.
Add-on options
Third level
The third level adapter is attached to the desktop support of the supporting frame. In combination with the U-shaped grommet the third level adapter can be used at any depth.
The following elements can be attached using the adapter:
There are many options for the use of privacy screens:
Privacy screens mounted on leg frames
The privacy screens are mounted on the common frame base with
a screw connection. The top edge of the privacy screens are thus
at a uniform level in the room regardless of the height settings of the desk. To guarantee the entire adjustment range is covered, the following heights are available:
Desk-mounted privacy screens
The desk-mounted privacy screens are attached by means of a system adapter. The desk-mounted privacy screens are available in the heights 350 mm and 500 mm.
Horizontal cable management
The cable trays, which fold down on both sides, are attached below the desktop. They have 3- or 4-socket modules to allow electrical connection under the desk. The black cable trays offer easy access when folded down. Clips are optionally available to tie down spare cables in the cable tray and socket module holder.
Sliding top
Sliding tops are available for all desk types. On desks with manual and crank-operated height adjustment the desktop pulls forward by 220 mm and on desks with motorised height adjustment by 210 mm. The sliding top thus provides optimum access to the cable channel for electrical connection. When ordering a desk with a sliding top, the fixed cable channel is automatically included. A central locking mechanism guarantees safe closing, and prevents the desktop from accidentally being released.
Vertical cable management
For the vertical cable management cable chains are optionally available to run the cables out of sight.
The following versions are available:
The cable chains come with cable separation and strain relief. For cable management along the leg frame these can be optionally fitted with an outer and inner panel covering the O-frame..
Items are supplied in sections for on-site final assembly in order to keep the transport volume as small as possible.
Quality & ecology
The desking programme is designed to meet the following requirements:
The processes for manufacture of the products are certified to the following standards:
지역 가용성
유럽 | 아시아 | 아프리카 |
건지 | 네팔 | 이집트 |
그리스 | 대만 | |
네덜란드 | 대한민국 | |
노르웨이 | 라오스 | |
덴마크 | 레바논 | |
독일 | 마카오 | |
라트비아 | 말레이시아 | |
러시아 | 몰디브 | |
루마니아 | 몽고 | |
뤽상부르 | 미얀마(버마) | |
리투아니아 | 바레인 | |
리히텐슈타인 | 방글라데시 | |
맨섬 | 베트남 | |
모나코 | 부탄 | |
몬테네그로 | 브루나이 | |
몰도바 | 사우디아라비아 | |
몰타 | 스리랑카 | |
바티칸 시국 | 시리아 | |
벨기에 | 싱가포르 | |
벨로루시 | 아랍에미레이트 | |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 | 아르메니아 | |
북마케도니아 | 아제르바이잔 | |
불가리아 | 아프가니스탄 | |
산마리노 | 영국령 인도양 지역 | |
세르비아 | 예멘 | |
스발바르 얀마옌 제도 | 오만 | |
스웨덴 | 요르단 | |
스위스 | 우즈베키스탄 | |
스페인 | 이라크 | |
슬로바키아 | 이란 | |
슬로베니아 | 이스라엘 | |
아이슬란드 | 인도 | |
아일랜드 | 인도네시아 | |
안도라 | 일본 | |
알바니아 | 조선민주주의인민공화국 | |
에스토니아 | 조지아 | |
영국 | 중국 | |
오스트리아 | 카자흐스탄 | |
올란드 제도 | 카타르 | |
우크라이나 | 캄보디아 | |
이탈리아 | 코코스 제도 | |
저지섬 | 쿠웨이트 | |
지브롤터 | 크리스마스섬 | |
체코 공화국 | 키르기스스탄 | |
크로아티아 | 타지키스탄 | |
키프러스 | 태국 | |
페로 제도 | 터키 | |
포르투갈 | 투르크메니스탄 | |
폴란드 | 파키스탄 | |
프랑스 | 팔레스타인 | |
핀란드 | 필리핀 | |
헝가리 | 홍콩 |