RAVATHERM™ XPS 300 SL is an extruded polystyrene with exceptional lambda insulation performance and a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of less than five. RAVATHERM™ XPS 300 SL is a high-performance, multi-purpose polystyrene for the thermal insulation and frost protection of inverted multipurpose flat roofs (green and blue roofs, parking roofs, etc), floors and underground structures (basement, foundation, etc). It is manufactured by an extrusion process which results in homogeneous, closed-cell material structure and smooth surface skin (extrusion skin) which has many favourable material characteristics.
- permanently high thermal insulation level
-negligible moisture uptake
-high strength and rigidity
-dimensional stability
-resistance to rot and deterioration
-simple and quick installation with only a small amount of waste.
RAVATHERM™ XPS 300 SL thermal insulation is manufactured by extrusion process, resulting in a homogeneous, closed-cell material structure, a smooth surface skin (extrusion skin) which has many favourable material properties:
-permanently high thermal insulation performance
-water and frost resistance
-high compressive strength
-high flexible rigidity
-high vapour diffusion resistance
지역 가용성
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