The purpose of a cavity and smoke barriers is to prevent the spread of smoke and flame from penetrating and/or moving within a concealed space in a fire compartment. Documents supporting the regulations provide guidance on where such barriers should be located within hidden voids in a building and they usually give examples of deemed-to-satisfy barriers for voids in or above stud walls or partitions.
If a barrier in a concealed space coincides with a compartment wall or floor it will normally be required to provide the same fire performance as the wall or floor. If the barrier is located between such compartment walls or floors however, the barrier is defined as a “cavity barrier” and will normally only be required to provide 30 minute integrity and 15 minute insulation (depending on local building regulations).
A parapet is a low standing wall above a roof, on top of either an external wall or a fire separating wall. A parapet wall is supposed to prevent fire venting through the roof on one property and crossing over the separating wall down into any adjacent property.
A spandrel panel is used generally as part of curtain walling systems. The spandrel panel generally protects vertically up from the top of a floor slab, or down from the underside of a floor slab. Spandrel panels are supposed to deflect fire and prevent spread of flames via the ends of floor slabs. A spandrel wall is designed to form a separator at any part of a window or an opening in an external wall above another opening in the storey below. The vertical construction projects no further than 450mm outside the lower opening.
Parapet and spandrel walls should normally be approved in accordance with the criteria of BS 476: Part 22: 1987, which is required to satisfy a minimum fire resistance of 60/60/60 (for exceptions please check with local building regulations guidance documents or, if relevant, insurance codes).
지역 가용성
아시아 | 오세아니아 |
네팔 | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
대만 | 괌 |
대한민국 | 나우루 |
라오스 | 노퍽섬 |
마카오 | 뉴질랜드 |
말레이시아 | 뉴칼레도니아 |
몰디브 | 니우에 |
몽고 | 동티모르 |
미얀마(버마) | 마샬 군도 |
방글라데시 | 미크로네시아 연방 |
베트남 | 바누아투 |
부탄 | 북마리아나 제도 |
브루나이 | 사모아 |
스리랑카 | 솔로몬 제도 |
싱가포르 | 아메리칸 사모아 |
아르메니아 | 오스트레일리아 |
아제르바이잔 | 월리스푸투나 |
영국령 인도양 지역 | 쿡 군도 |
우즈베키스탄 | 키리바시 |
인도 | 토켈라우 |
인도네시아 | 통가 |
일본 | 투발루 |
조선민주주의인민공화국 | 파푸아뉴기니 |
조지아 | 팔라우 |
중국 | 프랑스령 폴리네시아 |
카자흐스탄 | 피지 |
캄보디아 | 핏케언 제도 |
코코스 제도 | |
크리스마스섬 | |
키르기스스탄 | |
타지키스탄 | |
태국 | |
투르크메니스탄 | |
파키스탄 | |
필리핀 | |
홍콩 |