Kalfire W80/52T is a closed wood fireplace. A wood fire has incomparable power to captivate. Not only does a blazing fire provide warmth, it also creates a cosy, intimate atmosphere. Kalfire is continuously seeking to develop this convivial aspect of its fires while optimizing their performance, research which has given rise to the new generation of Kalfire W closed fires. Compared to a traditional fireplace, the only thing we haven’t changed is the wood.
Double-sided tunnel models
This see-through fireplace succeeds at being both an eye-catching design statement and blending into your interior naturally and unobtrusively. There are a number of ways you can integrate this fire into a room: for example, by embedding it in a dividing wall so the same fire can be enjoyed in two separate adjoining rooms. Or it can be built into a semi-partition so it juts out into the room. Or the tunnel model can be installed on its own as the centrepiece of a room. A Kalfire advisor in one of our showrooms will be happy to help you explore all the possibilities.
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