Striking the perfect balance
Guardian SunGuard® SuperNeutral (SN) 51 is a new double-silver coated solar control glass with significantly reduced internal reflection. The introduction of SunGuard SN 51 is part of Guardian’s project to optimise its SunGuard SuperNeutral (SN) family of products in terms of their aesthetics and performance. SunGuard SN 51 is a high selectivity glass product with low solar factor and a slightly more neutral appearance than its predecessor, SunGuard SN 51/28.
The outside reflection has been set to an optimized level and provides a striking and vivid appearance of the glass. For exterior glass design projects in Europe, architects are moving towards glass solutions for facades that provide a more neutral appearance, giving a sophisticated, classy touch and look to the building. SunGuard SN 51 coated glass satisfies current architectural design trends by providing a highly desirable, consistent, neutral, transparent appearance – regardless of the viewing angle, combined with high light transmission and excellent thermal insulation, making it an ideal choice for both double- and triple-glazed windows and façades. SunGuard SN 51 is available in both annealed and tempered versions.
THICKNESS 4 - 12 mm
APPLICATIONS Facades Windows Doors Curtain Walls Roofs Skylights
MANUFACTURING OPTIONS Laminated Bent Heat Strengthened Annealed HT version with TPF foil for Heat-Treatable applications: Tempered
AVAILABLE SIZES Maximum Height x Width: 3210 x 6000 mm
RECOMMENDED COATING POSITIONS Double glazed: 2 Triple Glazed: 2
APPLICATION TYPE Can be used in: Insulating Glass Unit
지역 가용성
아시아 | 오세아니아 |
네팔 | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
대만 | 괌 |
대한민국 | 나우루 |
라오스 | 노퍽섬 |
마카오 | 뉴질랜드 |
말레이시아 | 뉴칼레도니아 |
몰디브 | 니우에 |
몽고 | 동티모르 |
미얀마(버마) | 마샬 군도 |
방글라데시 | 미크로네시아 연방 |
베트남 | 바누아투 |
부탄 | 북마리아나 제도 |
브루나이 | 사모아 |
스리랑카 | 솔로몬 제도 |
싱가포르 | 아메리칸 사모아 |
아르메니아 | 오스트레일리아 |
아제르바이잔 | 월리스푸투나 |
영국령 인도양 지역 | 쿡 군도 |
우즈베키스탄 | 키리바시 |
인도네시아 | 토켈라우 |
일본 | 통가 |
조선민주주의인민공화국 | 투발루 |
조지아 | 파푸아뉴기니 |
중국 | 팔라우 |
카자흐스탄 | 프랑스령 폴리네시아 |
캄보디아 | 피지 |
코코스 제도 | 핏케언 제도 |
크리스마스섬 | |
키르기스스탄 | |
타지키스탄 | |
태국 | |
투르크메니스탄 | |
파키스탄 | |
필리핀 | |
홍콩 |