Green walls can be constructed as freestanding elements for use as enclosures, fencing, wind breaks, visual screening, shading components, rooftop perimeters, and even for urban agriculture. There are several important benefits when designing and using Greenscreen.
The Greenscreen trellis panel is fabricated with a continuous welded wire truss system that creates a three inch depth with unique structural capabilities for mounting and attachment. The unique three-dimensional design of the Greenscreen trellis panel does not need to be held in tension when mounting and modular components can be stacked to create tall installations. Greenscreen panels can be oriented horizontally and span up to ten feet in fencing applications, significantly reducing structural post costs when compared with other fencing systems.
Freestanding: The Greenscreen Freestanding Trellis features panels oriented either vertically or horizontally. Our Freestanding Mounting Options documents show details for typical horizontal, vertical, and curved panel mounting. Freestanding applications require consideration of wind load and soil conditions that affect post imbed length, and footing size. When mounted vertically, panels may be cantilevered in the truss direction up to approximately 30% of their individual length. For larger freestanding applications that exceed the dimensions of a simple trellis fence configuration, Greenscreen panels are typically attached to a designed structural form. In addition to our flat panel, our Crimped-to-Curve panel can be used in freestanding applications; it is rigid, stackable, and can be fabricated at radius increments from 4-12'.
Vines and other plant types used for freestanding green wall designs benefit from the additional support of the Greenscreen three-dimensional construction that provides continuous plant support, adequate room for plant development to maturity, and a captive growing space.
Attachment: Greenscreen has a complete collection of engineered mounting hardware available in matching powdercoat finishes. The clip system is designed to work with 3" post material matching the panel depth, but is easily adaptable to a wide variety of mounting conditions and post materials.
Steel posts are available from our factory in 3" round or square with matching finishes.
Design: The unique structural characteristics of the rigid Greenscreen panel increases the span capability for attachment considerations because the web truss structure is integral and not intermittent. For special wind loads exceeding 90mph or exceptional ice load and wind load conditions, we have the experience and engineering to help with special design requirements. Modular panels can be aligned between structure, mounted behind or in front of posts and columns.
Greenscreen has two optional edge trims available for using as visual accent, for use as a closure strip adjacent to pedestrian traffic, for a trimming edge for plant maintenance, and with panels that are designed in unique shapes or cut at angles.
There are five standard powdercoat finishes available for Greenscreen and attachment hardware:
By contacting Greenscreen, you will be working with a highly trained team with architecture, construction and landscape architecture experience that can help you with design and value engineering concerns or answer your specific project related questions. Project managers will guide you through the estimating, ordering, fabrication, delivery and installation phases so that your projects are delivered on time and within budget. CAD shop drawings, engineering and BIM available, along with plant selection guidelines, maintenance suggestions, and research summaries. The elements are simple...the possibilities are endless!
Design Tools
Greenscreen has available an updated catalog with all of the technical information that you need to design and specify green facade walls into projects.
Appropriate plant material selection is critical to the long term success of your green facade wall project and a recommended plant list based upon the new USDA Hardiness Zone Map is available for your reference.
With over 7000 installations worldwide, Greenscreen has the experience and knowledge that you need to educate clients about green facade walls. Over 175 vertical market case studies are available to include in your client’s presentation.
As a product manufacturer, Greenscreen supports the commitment and vision of design professionals to incorporate low impact, environmentally sensitive building practices and promote sustainable design principles by providing critical reviews of credit contributions to the LEED and SITES™ programs including a downloadable Recycled Content Declaration.
Continuing Education Tools
In an effort to help further the knowledge of our design partners, the Greenscreen Education Series – Research Reviews presents a series of briefs composed as summaries about important issues supported by international research efforts.
Accredited continuing education units (CEU) can be obtained from AEC Daily, Hanley Wood University and McGraw Hill Construction’s Continuing Education Center as well as the Considerations for Advanced Green Facade Design White Paper available on our website.
지역 가용성
유럽 | 북미 | 아시아 | 남아메리카 |
건지 | 과들루프 | 네팔 | 가이아나 |
그리스 | 과테말라 | 대만 | 베네수엘라 |
네덜란드 | 그레나다 | 대한민국 | 볼리비아 |
노르웨이 | 그린란드 | 라오스 | 브라질 |
덴마크 | 네덜란드령 카리브 해 지역 | 마카오 | 수리남 |
독일 | 니카라과 | 말레이시아 | 아르헨티나 |
라트비아 | 도미니카 | 몰디브 | 에콰도르 |
러시아 | 도미니카 공화국 | 몽고 | 우루과이 |
루마니아 | 마르티니크 | 미얀마(버마) | 칠레 |
뤽상부르 | 멕시코 | 방글라데시 | 콜롬비아 |
리투아니아 | 몬세라트 | 베트남 | 파라과이 |
리히텐슈타인 | 미국 | 부탄 | 페루 |
맨섬 | 미국령 버진아일랜드 | 브루나이 | 포클랜드 제도(말비나스 군도) |
모나코 | 바베이도스 | 스리랑카 | 프랑스령 기아나 |
몬테네그로 | 바하마 | 싱가포르 | |
몰도바 | 버뮤다 | 아르메니아 | |
몰타 | 벨리즈 | 아제르바이잔 | |
바티칸 시국 | 생마르탱 | 영국령 인도양 지역 | |
벨기에 | 생바르텔레미 | 우즈베키스탄 | |
벨로루시 | 생피에르앤드미클롱 | 인도 | |
보스니아 헤르체고비나 | 세인트루시아 | 인도네시아 | |
북마케도니아 | 세인트빈센트그레나딘 | 일본 | |
불가리아 | 세인트키츠네비스 | 조선민주주의인민공화국 | |
산마리노 | 신트마르턴 | 조지아 | |
세르비아 | 아루바 | 중국 | |
스발바르 얀마옌 제도 | 아이티 | 카자흐스탄 | |
스웨덴 | 앤티가 바부다 | 캄보디아 | |
스위스 | 앵귈라 | 코코스 제도 | |
스페인 | 엘살바도르 | 크리스마스섬 | |
슬로바키아 | 영국령 버진아일랜드 | 키르기스스탄 | |
슬로베니아 | 온두라스 | 타지키스탄 | |
아이슬란드 | 자메이카 | 태국 | |
아일랜드 | 캐나다 | 투르크메니스탄 | |
안도라 | 케이맨 군도 | 파키스탄 | |
알바니아 | 코스타리카 | 필리핀 | |
에스토니아 | 쿠바 | 홍콩 | |
영국 | 퀴라소 | ||
오스트리아 | 터크스케이커스 제도 | ||
올란드 제도 | 트리니다드토바고 | ||
우크라이나 | 파나마 | ||
이탈리아 | 푸에르토리코 | ||
저지섬 | |||
지브롤터 | |||
체코 공화국 | |||
크로아티아 | |||
키프러스 | |||
페로 제도 | |||
포르투갈 | |||
폴란드 | |||
프랑스 | |||
핀란드 | |||
헝가리 |