Architecture serves as a storyteller of our collective journey. It transcends its functional purpose through history and becomes a bridge connecting civilizations as we humans transport not only goods but also cultural influences throughout time. From towering skyscrapers that mirror aspirations to ancient monuments that whisper tales of our history, Architecture connects us to the past with a vision of the future.
Architexture Connect is an evolution of a timeless classic carpet, designed to compliment the ever changing needs of our interior spaces as we continue on our collective journey. The spaces we work, rest, play, learn and heal are all evolving and connecting in ways we never imagined before.
Designed to bring together these spaces effortlessly, Carpets Inter brings you Architexture Connect to help you bridge together the spaces that will define our future.
Carpets Inter, making connections
지역 가용성
아시아 |
네팔 |
대만 |
대한민국 |
라오스 |
마카오 |
말레이시아 |
몰디브 |
몽고 |
미얀마(버마) |
방글라데시 |
베트남 |
부탄 |
브루나이 |
스리랑카 |
싱가포르 |
아르메니아 |
아제르바이잔 |
영국령 인도양 지역 |
우즈베키스탄 |
인도 |
인도네시아 |
일본 |
조선민주주의인민공화국 |
조지아 |
중국 |
카자흐스탄 |
캄보디아 |
코코스 제도 |
크리스마스섬 |
키르기스스탄 |
타지키스탄 |
태국 |
투르크메니스탄 |
파키스탄 |
필리핀 |
홍콩 |