The ARDEX TLT™ Waterproofing Membrane is a lightweight, polyethylene membrane for use under tile and stone surfaces in showers and wet area applications. It is also suitable for chemical-resistant flooring.
The ARDEX TLT™ Seam Tape is made from the same lightweight, waterproof material as the waterproofing membrane and is for use over horizontal and vertical seams.
The ARDEX TLT™ Mixing/Pipe Valve Seals are designed to seal pipe protrusions and are for use around supply lines to shower heads, hand held wands, jets, and spray and steam heads. They act as an anti-fracture membrane between substrates and hard surface coverings.
The ARDEX TLT™ Inside/Outside Corners are constructed as a single piece from a seamless material that eliminates the potential of weak points in time-consuming jobsite-cutting techniques. They offer convenience and provide peace of mind knowing every corner is safe from water infiltration.
The ARDEX TLT™ Waterproofing Kit contains:
지역 가용성
북미 |
과들루프 |
과테말라 |
그레나다 |
그린란드 |
네덜란드령 카리브 해 지역 |
니카라과 |
도미니카 |
도미니카 공화국 |
마르티니크 |
멕시코 |
몬세라트 |
미국 |
미국령 버진아일랜드 |
바베이도스 |
바하마 |
버뮤다 |
벨리즈 |
생마르탱 |
생바르텔레미 |
생피에르앤드미클롱 |
세인트루시아 |
세인트빈센트그레나딘 |
세인트키츠네비스 |
신트마르턴 |
아루바 |
아이티 |
앤티가 바부다 |
앵귈라 |
엘살바도르 |
영국령 버진아일랜드 |
온두라스 |
자메이카 |
캐나다 |
케이맨 군도 |
코스타리카 |
쿠바 |
퀴라소 |
터크스케이커스 제도 |
트리니다드토바고 |
파나마 |
푸에르토리코 |