Minimize risk in wet and greasy areas with aggressive safety flooring
Water underfoot is treacherous enough – add grease, oils and fats, and you’ve got a dangerous environment. So, for commercial kitchens, food preparation and back of house service areas, it’s essential to select flooring that will help staff continue their job safely.
Altro Stronghold 30 achieves Altro’s highest slip resistance rating and is designed to minimize risk in wet and greasy conditions for the lifetime of the flooring. In addition to keeping staff safe from slips, it also helps reduce their fatigue thanks to its 3mm thickness, providing ample noise reduction and comfort underfoot.
Altro Stronghold 30 is frequently specified with Altro Puraguard wall protection to create a durable environment for commercial and industrial kitchens.
지역 가용성
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미국령 버진아일랜드 |
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생마르탱 |
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생피에르앤드미클롱 |
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