제품 게시
Allseating Presto Petite Ergonomic Chair
Allseating Presto Petite Ergonomic Chair

    Allseating Presto Petite Ergonomic Chair

    This is the perfect chair for those ‘Petite’ applications. With its rugged construction, contoured back and 4” thick seat, Presto delivers the magic combination of versatility, durability and functionality.

    Rugged construction, contoured back, 4” thick seat

    As Featured on Amazon.com

    #Allseating #PrestoChair #PetiteChair


      Overall [Basic Posture]: 36" - 39.5" H | 28" W | 28" D

      Overall [Posture Back]: 35.75" - 39.25" H | 28" W | 28" D

      Overall [Synchro Tilt]: 36.5" - 40" H | 28" W | 28" D

      Overall [Deluxe TIlt J-Bar]: 36.5" - 40" H | 28" W | 28" D

      Overall [Value Plus]: 36.5" - 40" H | 28" W | 28" D

      Seat [Basic Posture]: 15.25" - 18.75" H | 17.25" W | 18" D

      Seat [Posture Back]: 15.5" - 19" H | 17.25" W | 18" D

      Seat [Synchro Tilt]: 16" - 19.5" H | 17.25" W | 18" D

      Seat [Deluxe Tilt J-Bar]: 16.5" - 20" H | 17.25" W | 18" D

      Seat [Value Plus]: 17.5" - 21" H | 17.25" W | 18" D

      Back: 18" H | 16" W

    기술 사양
    • 특징 참조Allseating-Presto-Petite-Ergonomic-Chair
    • 제품군Seating
    • 제품분류Petite Chair
    • 유형개체 (단일 개체)
    • 게시일2019-03-04
    • 에디션 넘버1
    • 설계국가미국
    • BIMobject 카테고리가구 - 사무용 의자
    • UNSPSC 이름Office Equipment and Accessories and Supplies
    • UNSPSC 코드44
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 코드12 52 23
    • CSI 마스터 형식 2014 제목Office Seating
    • OmniClass 번호23-21 13 25
    • OmniClass 제목Office Equipment

    지역 가용성
