VistaBrik® REVIT Wall System
VistaBrik® REVIT Wall System
VistaBrik® REVIT Wall System
VistaBrik® REVIT Wall System

    VistaBrik® REVIT Wall System

    4.0 out of 5 stars4.0(6 reviews)

    Seves Vistabrik® Line features low distortion transparency for clear observation through sturdy, 3-inch thick glass block partitions, windows and walls into areas where visual supervision is a must. Plus, Vistabrik® requires minimal maintenance and replacement costs and is exceptionally durable and highly resistant to impact, bullets, and fire. In short, it’s ideal for any facility subject to ballistic requirements, vandalism, high noise levels, graffiti, fire and other security concerns. 

    VISTABRIK® is widely used in institutional environments, commercial settings, schools, transportation terminals, and numerous public spaces and Seves Vistabrik® Line features low distortion transparency for clear observation through sturdy, 3-inch thick glass block partitions, windows and walls into areas where visual supervision is a must. Plus, Vistabrik® requires minimal maintenance and replacement costs and is exceptionally durable and highly resistant to impact, bullets, and fire. In short, it’s ideal for any facility subject to ballistic requirements, vandalism, high noise levels, graffiti, fire and other security concerns. 

    VISTABRIK® is widely used in institutional environments, commercial settings, schools, transportation terminals, and numerous public spaces and Seves Vistabrik® Line features low distortion transparency for clear observation through sturdy, 3-inch thick glass block partitions, windows and walls into areas where visual supervision is a must. Plus, Vistabrik® requires minimal maintenance and replacement costs and is exceptionally durable and highly resistant to impact, bullets, and fire. In short, it’s ideal for any facility subject to ballistic requirements, vandalism, high noise levels, graffiti, fire and other security concerns. 

    VISTABRIK® is widely used in institutional environments, commercial settings, schools, transportation terminals, and numerous public spaces and buildings, including courthouses, embassies, and police stations.

    • Unique refvistabrik
    • コレクションセットSolid
    • コレクションSolid Glass Block
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2020-11-02
    • エディション1
    • 高さ(inch)7.63
    • 幅(inch)7.63
    • 奥行き(inch)3
    • 主なマテリアルガラス
    • 設計国チェコ共和国
    • 製造国チェコ共和国
    • 正味重量(lbs)15.4
    • BIMobjectカテゴリ建築資材 - ガラス
    • UNSPSC名称Blocks
    • UNSPSC301315
    • Uniclass2015コードPr_20_93_33
    • Uniclass2015詳細Glass blocks and panels
    • OmniClassNumber23-13 21 00
    • OmniClassタイトルBlocks and Bricks
    • UniFormatIIコードB2010
    • UniFormatIIタイトルExterior Walls