BDL4551T Professional Display
BDL4551T Professional Display
BDL4551T Professional Display

    BDL4551T Professional Display


    フィリップス Tライン

    魅力的でインタラクティブな職場を作りましょう。 Philips T-Line は、好奇心を呼び起こし、想像力を刺激して、コラボレーションとインスピレーションを支援します。マルチタッチ技術とホワイトボード モードを備えたこの革新的なタッチ スクリーンは、企業の会議室から小売スペース、教室などの環境を強化します。

    棚の広告から道案内まで、この非常にクリアなマルチタッチ スマート ディスプレイは、スペースが限られている場合に最適です。汎用性の高いオールインワン ソリューションで、コンテンツをリモートで簡単に管理できます。 Power-over-Ethernet により柔軟な配置が可能

    • T-LINE

      Collaborate with confidenceWireless screen sharing

      Display four feeds on the one screen. Wireless screen sharing allows you to connect up to 64 devices at the same time for quick content switching when you need it. Use your existing Wi-Fi network to instantly and securely connect devices, or the Interact dongle to connect guest speakers and remote access students logged in using an external network.

      CMND & Control

      Run your display network over a local (LAN or RF) connection. CMND & Control allows you to perform vital functions like updating software and settings, as well as monitoring display status. Whether you’re in charge of one display or more, CMND & Control makes managing your fleet easy.

      CMND & Create

      Take control of your content with CMND and Create. A drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to publish your own content, whether it's a daily specials board or branded corporate information. Preloaded templates and integrated widgets ensure that your stills, text and video will be up and running in no time.

      Infrared Touch with USB Plug-and-Play

      Experience a better way to control content. Simply plug your existing laptop or desktop to enable touch functionality on the big screen instantly. USB plug-and-play means that no installations or configuration is required, with options to plug removable devices from the side or having them fixed from the back.

      Whiteboard mode

      Inspire agile collaboration with whiteboard mode. Simply activate this feature to turn your display into a blank canvas that can be drawn on by multiple users by hand or with dedicated display markers. Everything on screen can then be streamed back to your laptop for easy printing or file sharing.

      Video conferencing

      Built-in video conferencing makes video calls with single or multiple people quick, reliable and easy. Simply connect a compatible camera and use the included software, or connect via third party apps such as Skype, Zoom and others to make your calls.

    • Unique refbdl4551t-professional-display
    • コレクションセットInteractive Displays
    • コレクションT-Line Series
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2023-03-13
    • エディション1
    • BIMobjectカテゴリエレクトロニクス - 通信機器
    • Uniclass2015コードPr_40_30_25_23
    • Uniclass2015詳細Display screens
    • OmniClassNumber23-19 11 25
    • OmniClassタイトルDisplay Screens

