Sectional overhead door - garage
Sectional overhead door - garage

    Sectional overhead door - garage

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    Lindabの工業用ドアとガレージドアは、持続可能なアプローチから設計されています。生産ではグリーンエネルギーを使用し、ドアのコア材料は鋼です。これは、特性を失うことなく無期限にリサイクルできる数少ない材料の1つです。 Lindabのドアは何年も使用できるように設計されており、ドアは98%リサイクル可能であるため、サーキュラーエコノミーの自然な一部です。私たちの持続可能なソリューションは、リンダブのグッドシンキング哲学の自然な結果です。

    「ゆりかごから墓場まで」EPD(環境製品宣言)を実施し、AECの専門家、開発者、建物の所有者に、DGNBやBREEAMなどの持続可能な建築基準に必要な文書を提供しています。 EPDは、持続可能な建設をサポートするドアを提供するための私たちの取り組みの証拠です。

    • The Lindab LDI / LDC residential overhead sectional doors is suitable fornearly all building types in the private sector, regarding function, design and installation.

      The various combinations of panel types and design, makesit possible to install this door solution in almost every building.

      When operated, the door leaf slides up under the roof, leaving the dooropening with full clearance.

      The Lindab residential overhead sectional doors can be fitted with the following systems.

      •Head room - Manual                      FreeHeadroom 160 mm

      •Head room - Electrical                   Free Headroom 140 mm

      •Width                                              Max 4000 mm

      •Hight                                               Max 2500 mm

      All Hardware types (except Vertical lift) can be designed to follow theRoof.

      Environment:  Emit 50% less CO2 during production compared with doors that use polyurethanefoamContain 98% recyclable componentsAre manufactured using green energy in DenmarkEmit 50% less waste gas in the event of fire compared with other doorsHave an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)Incur no additional environmental impact after disposal 

      Performance: To comply with European StandardsEN 13241 CE marked with manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. Wind resistance class 3 Water penetration class 3 Air permeability class 3. Thermal transmittance 0,6W (m².k). Compliant with BR20 Building Regulations. 

      Door panels:

      PolystyreneThe Danish Technological Institute has conducted an accelerated aging test ofour polystyrene door sections according to EN 12667: 2001, which demonstratesthat the insulation capacity over time is more than 10% more stable compared tosections of polyurethane. Our good product features also make our sectionssuitable for extreme environments such as car washes.

      U-ValueThe environmentally­friendly sections with high insulation keep the warmth inand the cold out, which has the advantage of reducing heating bills. The panelsare 46 mm thick with a core of extruded polystyrene and thermal bridgeseparation in the panel’s centre line, which gives a U­value of 0.95 W/m2K onthe door leaf.

      FireIn the event of a fire in the building, a polystyrene core material will notgive added energy to the fire, but will simply melt down to water.  Unlikepolyurethane foam, it will not release lethal hydrogen cyanide gases. In afire, polyurethane foam releases gases that are more than twice the toxicity ofpolystyrene*.

      AdhesiveIn Lindab’s unique manufacturing procedure, steel plates are process­ bondedonto the solid polystyrene core material and the amount of adhesive ismonitored visually. The result is a strong panel with no risk of delaminationor air pockets. 

      TracksThe high quality rail systems have a superior finish, without  any sharpedges. The rail system has a high grade of preasembling, which makesinstallation quick and efficient.They can also be supplied with thermal bridgeseparation between the frame and building, which will help to improve the totalU­value of the door.

      Securety: All tracks are hidden by a smoothlooking PVC profile for optimal protection.

      Warranty: Lindab A/S offers a five-year warrantyon door panels. Lindab A/S offers a two year product warranty.

    • Unique refdoorline-stg
    • コレクションセットGarage Doors
    • コレクションSectional Overhead Doors
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2019-10-31
    • エディション3
    • 主なマテリアル亜鉛メッキ鋼
    • 設計国デンマーク
    • 製造国デンマーク
    • BIMobjectカテゴリドア - ガレージドア
    • IFC分類ドア
    • UNSPSC名称Metal doors
    • UNSPSC30171505
    • Uniclass2015コードPr_30_59_24_75
    • Uniclass2015詳細Sectional overhead doorsets
    • MasterFormat 2014 コード08 36 13
    • MasterFormat 2014 タイトルSectional Doors
    • OmniClassNumber23-17 11 13 25 13
    • OmniClassタイトルSectional Overhead Metal Doors
    • UniFormatIIコードB2030
    • UniFormatIIタイトルExterior Doors


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