Electrolux Split Air Conditioner 12.000 BTUs Color Adapt Hot/Cold with Wi-fi (YI12R/YE12R)
Electrolux Split Air Conditioner 12.000 BTUs Color Adapt Hot/Cold with Wi-fi (YI12R/YE12R)
Electrolux Split Air Conditioner 12.000 BTUs Color Adapt Hot/Cold with Wi-fi (YI12R/YE12R)
Electrolux Split Air Conditioner 12.000 BTUs Color Adapt Hot/Cold with Wi-fi (YI12R/YE12R)
Electrolux Split Air Conditioner 12.000 BTUs Color Adapt Hot/Cold with Wi-fi (YI12R/YE12R)
    Electrolux Brasil

    Electrolux Split Air Conditioner 12.000 BTUs Color Adapt Hot/Cold with Wi-fi (YI12R/YE12R)

    4.2 out of 5 stars4.2(5 reviews)



    インバーター技術によりエネルギー効率が最大 80% 向上し、電気代を節約できます。

    強力なトリプルフィルターシステムは、ご家庭の空気を浄化し、最大 99.9% のアレルゲン、バクテリア、真菌を除去して健康を保ちます。

    冷却速度が 37% 速くなるため、必要なときに家の中が風通しがよく爽やかになります。

    このエアコンはエネルギー消費量が少ないため、環境への影響を最大 67% 削減できるだけでなく、電気代も節約できます。


    エアコンのセルフクリーニング システムは、モーターがオフになると余分な湿気を自動的に除去し、空気をより健全に保ち、日々の掃除を容易にします。

    この機器は、ユーザーの希望に応じて理想的な空気温度を維持する Auto Sense テクノロジーを備えているため、心配することなく常に快適な温度を家中に保てます。

    このエアコンには BlueTech の防錆仕上げが施されており、長期間の保護と耐久性を保証します。

    • It adapts to any environment:

      Paint it the color you want

      Inverter technology:

      80%* more energy efficient which significantly reduces energy consumption. *Result obtained by comparing the Electrolux 18000 BTU model with the conventional on/off model, in accordance with Inmetro Ordinance No. 269/2021. For other models, see loja.electrolux.com.br

      Powerful triple filtration:

      Healthier, cleaner air free from 99%* of allergens, bacteria and fungi, providing a safer environment. *Tested on Escerichia coli and Staphylococcus bacteria

      Rapid cooling:

      Improves efficiency by 37%* faster when operating the compressor at maximum level. *The calculation of up to 37% faster cooling was based on internal Cooling Capacity tests, using Inmetro Ordinance 269/2021. 18k BTU/h inverter model used at its maximum capacity, compared to the minimum value allowed for declaring this capacity. Cooling performance values vary according to the equipment model, conditions of use, maintenance and installation.

      Conscious consumption:

      R32 gas generates a 67%* lower impact on the environment than R410a. Conscious consumption with ideal temperature and environmental responsibility. *Comparative indices according to the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report for the 100-year Global Warming Potential (GWP): R410a 2,088; R32 675

      Smooth Air:

      Take control with simple settings for the whole family, keeping everyone ventilated by simply adjusting the flaps.


      Automatically removes excess moisture when the motor stops running. This prevents the build-up of mold, mildew and bacteria, so you maintain healthier, maintenance-free air.


      Control and program the temperature from a distance. With the Electrolux Home+ app

      Auto Sense:

      Simply activate Auto Sense mode for fast, efficient cooling and to effortlessly maintain the ideal air temperature.

      Blue Tech system:

      Corrosion-resistant finish and greater durability.

    • Unique refYI12R-YE12R
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2024-08-05
    • エディション1
    • 高さ(Mm)289
    • 幅(mm)853
    • 奥行き(mm)20.6
    • 正味重量(kg)9
    • BIMobjectカテゴリHVAC - 空調設備
    • OmniClassNumber23-33 39 21
    • OmniClassタイトルSplit System Air Conditioning Units

