標準システム、50%グラファイトの白いEPSの断熱ボード付き。 BASIC LINEは、経済性、品質、パフォーマンスの間の理想的な妥協点です。システムコンポーネント:接着剤モルタル:Capatect Klebe- und Armierungsmasse 186 MまたはCapatectDämmkleber185断熱ボード:Capatect PSDalmatinerFassadendämmplatte161軽量補強モルタル:Capatect Klebe- und Armierungsmasse186MまたはCapatectKlebe-プライマー:Caparol Putzgrundレンダリング:Capatect Putz 622 W SilaCryl K 15ペイント:ThermoSan LTQダボ:Capatectカーボン-FIX
- Insulation material: EPS/EPS with graphite
- Render material: Silicone resin and acrylate binder
- Fire behaviour (EN 13501-1): B-s1/s2-d0
- Reflection index (IR) min.: 20
- Color stability according to technical sheet BFS No. 26: Class B - Group 1
- Resistance to mechanical stess: Low
- Resistance in environments with frost / thaw stresses: Low
- Resistance in marine environments: Low
- Resistance in polluted environments: Medium
ETA certificates:
- 05-0131 (General-Includes all types of adhesive and reinforcement mortars)
- 12-0383 (Standard)
- 10-0160 (Special reinforcement mortars)
- 13-0891 (On wooden structures)
System components:
Adhesive mortar: Capatect Klebe- und Armierungsmasse 186 M or Capatect Dämmkleber 185
Insulation board: Capatect PS Dalmatiner Fassadendämmplatte 161 Light
Reinforcement mortar: Capatect Klebe- und Armierungsmasse 186 M or Capatect Klebe- und Armierungsmasse 131 SL
Reinforcement fabric: Capatect Gewebe 650
Primer: Caparol Putzgrund
Render: Capatect Putz 622 W SilaCryl K 15
Paint: ThermoSan LTQ
Dowel: Capatect Carbon-FIX