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Duo Handle
Duo Handle
Duo Handle
Duo Handle

    Duo Handle

    4.1 su 5 stelle4.1(7 recensioni)

    The DUO door handle has a 243mm long backplate, and is aimed at the fabricator who wants to offer a high quality designed door handle. The DUO door handle has a tube shaped handle, which gives a very comfortable grip when operating. As the DUO handle suits all needs - working as an attractive high quality lever handle whilst being DDA/EA compliant – it allows fabricators to carry just one handle in stock to satisfy a number of different applications. The DUO door handle has a lever that is curved to the door, making it compliant to DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) and EA (Equality Act) regulations, making it ideal for applications where aesthetics and compliance are key. We recommend fitting the Kinetica 3* Kitemarked Euro Cylinder with it in order to achieve a 3* Kitemark status for TS 007 and for use in PAS 24 doors.

    Specifiche tecniche
    • Rif. UnicoDH
    • Famiglia di prodottoDoor Accessories
    • Gruppo di famigliaHandles
    • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
    • Data di pubblicazione2020-09-23
    • Numero di versione1
    Relativo a
    • Materiale principaleAcciaio inossidabile
    • Progettato inRegno Unito
    • Prodotto inRegno Unito
    • Categoria BIMobjectPorte - Porte - Accessori
    • Codice Uniclass 2015Pr_30_36_08_46
    • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Lever handle locks

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