Be-Line corner® grab bar Ø 35mm for WCs, showers or baths.
Use as a shower rail and to support people with reduced mobility in an upright position.
Helps and secures entry and movement in the shower also with getting in and out of the bath.
Helps with the transfer from a wheelchair to the toilet seat.
Aluminium tube thickness 3mm. Solid aluminium fixing points.
Rounded profile Ø 35mm with ergonomic flat front face that prevents rotation for an optimal grip.
Matte black powder-coated aluminium finish provides a good visual contrast with the wall.
Uniform surface for easy maintenance and hygiene.
38mm gap between the bar and the wall: minimal space prevents the forearm passing between the bar and the wall, reducing the risk of fracture in case of loss of balance.
Angled grab bar with concealed fixings.
Supplied with stainless steel screws Ø 8 x 70mm for concrete walls.
Dimensions: 695 x 695 mm.
Tested to over 200kg. Maximum recommended user weight: 135kg.
Grab bar with 30-year warranty. CE marked.
Disponibilità Regionale
Asia | Europa | Africa | Sud America | Oceania | Nord America |
Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Argentina | Australia | Bahamas |
Arabia Saudita | Austria | Angola | Bolivia | Figi | Belize |
Armenia | Belgio | Benin | Brasile | Isole Salomone | Canada |
Azerbaijan | Bielorussia | Botswana | Cile | Nuova Caledonia | Costa Rica |
Bangladesh | Bosnia ed Erzegovina | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Nuova Zelanda | Cuba |
Bhutan | Bulgaria | Burundi | Ecuador | Papua Nuova Guinea | El Salvador |
Brunei | Cipro | Camerun | Guiana Francese | Timor Est | Giamaica |
Cambogia | Croazia | Ciad | Guyana | Vanuatu | Groenlandia |
Cina | Danimarca | Congo | Isole Falkland (Malvine) | Guatemala | |
Corea del Nord | Estonia | Costa d'Avorio | Paraguay | Haiti | |
Corea del Sud | Finlandia | Egitto | Perù | Honduras | |
Emirati Arabi Uniti | Francia | Eritrea | Suriname | Messico | |
Filippine | Germania | eSwatini | Uruguay | Nicaragua | |
Georgia | Grecia | Etiopia | Venezuela | Panamá | |
Giappone | Irlanda | Gabon | Porto Rico | ||
Giordania | Islanda | Gambia | Repubblica Dominicana | ||
India | Italia | Ghana | Stati Uniti | ||
Indonesia | Lettonia | Gibuti | Trinidad e Tobago | ||
Iran | Lituania | Guinea | |||
Iraq | Lussemburgo | Guinea Equatoriale | |||
Israele | Macedonia del Nord | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Kazakistan | Moldavia | Kenya | |||
Kirghizistan | Montenegro | Lesotho | |||
Kuwait | Norvegia | Liberia | |||
Laos | Paesi Bassi | Libia | |||
Libano | Polonia | Madagascar | |||
Malesia | Portogallo | Malawi | |||
Mongolia | Regno Unito | Mali | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Repubblica Ceca | Marocco | |||
Nepal | Romania | Mauritania | |||
Oman | Russia | Mozambico | |||
Pakistan | Serbia | Namibia | |||
Palestina | Slovacchia | Niger | |||
Qatar | Slovenia | Nigeria | |||
Siria | Spagna | Repubblica Centrafricana | |||
Sri Lanka | Svalbard e Jan Mayen | Repubblica Democratica del Congo | |||
Tagikistan | Svezia | Ruanda | |||
Tailandia | Svizzera | Sahara Occidentale | |||
Taiwan | Ucraina | Senegal | |||
Turchia | Ungheria | Sierra Leone | |||
Turkmenistan | Somalia | ||||
Uzbekistan | Sudafrica | ||||
Vietnam | Sudan | ||||
Yemen | Sudan del Sud | ||||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |