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Table Seriff

Table Seriff

We talked for a while about the need for a table for the sofas Joy and Vilamoura. Making a table that fits several different sitting furniture can easily become a table that fits less well for most things, I feared. Eventually, I realized the importance of the table's own identity, that the table takes something with it to the meeting with the sofa or chair. That's how I think Seriff works; As a clear and independent piece of furniture that complements the character of the sofa or chair

Specifiche tecniche
  • Rif. Unicosheriff-table
  • Famiglia di prodottoSheriff
  • Gruppo di famigliaTable
  • TipoOggetto (oggetto singolo)
  • Data di pubblicazione2020-04-14
  • Numero di versione1
Relativo a
  • Materiale principaleAlluminio
  • Materiale secondarioLegno
  • Progettato inSvezia
  • Prodotto inSvezia
  • Categoria BIMobjectPaesaggio ed esterni - Arredo esterni
  • Clasificazione IFCMobilia
  • Codice Uniclass 2015Pr_40_50_21
  • Descrizione Uniclass 2015Desks, tables and worktops

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