Handle 1353 is a classic handle that has been in the product portfolio for many years and which continues to be a popular choice for our customers. The design makes it fit in almost every kitchen, whether it be mounted in a trendy or more classic kitchen. 1353 fits in all the rooms of the home.
To raise the feeling in the room a little more, there is also 1353 in different designs of leather wrap. This is polished untreated brass that ages and is patinated beautifully over time.
Polished Brass
Does not age when it comes in contact with air, but will retain its original appearance over time.
Polished untreated brass
The handle is polished but has not been coated. It is difficult to see the difference between a new handle that is polished brass and untreated polished brass, but the untreated handle will get patina over time.
Untreated brass
The handle is neither lacquered nor polished and therefore gets a smoother surface that gets patina over time.
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa |
Albania |
Andorra |
Austria |
Belgio |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina |
Bulgaria |
Cipro |
Città del Vaticano |
Croazia |
Danimarca |
Estonia |
Finlandia |
Francia |
Germania |
Gibilterra |
Grecia |
Guernsey |
Irlanda |
Islanda |
Isola di Man |
Isole Åland |
Isole Faroe |
Italia |
Jersey |
Lettonia |
Liechtenstein |
Lituania |
Lussemburgo |
Macedonia del Nord |
Malta |
Moldavia |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
Norvegia |
Paesi Bassi |
Polonia |
Portogallo |
Regno Unito |
Repubblica Ceca |
Romania |
San Marino |
Serbia |
Slovacchia |
Slovenia |
Spagna |
Svalbard e Jan Mayen |
Svezia |
Svizzera |
Ucraina |
Ungheria |