Rockfon Blanka® has a smooth, deep matte, and super white surface with high light reflection and light diffusion, helping brighten up spaces with natural lighting and contributing to energy savings. With an L value of 94.5, Blanka is the whitest ceiling tile available from Rockfon. The tiles' non-directional surfaces reduce installation time, withstand exposure to site dust, and provide a coherent look from every angle. The unique anti-static coating resist dirt. Simply wipe with a damp cloth, no detergent required, to keep the ceiling looking as good as the day it was first installed.
Your Benefits:
Disponibilità Regionale
Europa |
Albania |
Andorra |
Austria |
Belgio |
Bielorussia |
Bosnia ed Erzegovina |
Bulgaria |
Cipro |
Città del Vaticano |
Croazia |
Danimarca |
Estonia |
Finlandia |
Francia |
Germania |
Gibilterra |
Grecia |
Guernsey |
Irlanda |
Islanda |
Isola di Man |
Isole Åland |
Isole Faroe |
Italia |
Jersey |
Lettonia |
Liechtenstein |
Lituania |
Lussemburgo |
Macedonia del Nord |
Malta |
Moldavia |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
Norvegia |
Paesi Bassi |
Polonia |
Portogallo |
Regno Unito |
Repubblica Ceca |
Romania |
San Marino |
Serbia |
Slovacchia |
Slovenia |
Spagna |
Svalbard e Jan Mayen |
Svezia |
Svizzera |
Ucraina |
Ungheria |