Supply of components for the complete thermal insulation system with rock wool insulation, complying with the requirements of the DM 11 October 2017 of the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM). The SIGMAISOL RW system is an ETICS system certified with ETA 18/1012. The System complies with the Fire Reaction Class A2, s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1
- Sigma Isol Easytech basecoat specific for gluing rock wool insulating panels, on brick substrates, with or without plaster and concrete, lightened with glass microspheres compliant with standard 998-I: 2003, maximum grain size 1 mm , in 20 kg bags to be mixed for a maximum of 27% (6 liters per 20 kg bag) in theoretical consumption expected from 4-6 kg / m2.
- Insulating panel SIGMAISOL INSULATING ROCK WOOL thermal and acoustic insulation in rot-proof rock wool, thermal conductivity λ= 0.035 W / mK, tensile strength ≥ 10 kPa, reaction to fire Euroclass A1, non-combustible, size 1000 x 600 mm.
- Sigma Isol Easytech baseocat specific for gluing rock wool insulating panels, on brick substrates, with or without plaster and concrete, lightened with glass microspheres compliant with standard 998-I: 2003, maximum grain size 1 mm , in 20 kg bags to be mixed for a maximum of 27% (6 liters per 20 kg bag) in theoretical consumption in reinforced smoothing, in 2 coats, expected to be 5 kg / m2.
- In the interposition of the 2 basecoat, insert SIGMANET RETE in glass fiber, with a weight of 165 gr / m2 or PPG Mesh with a weight of 150 g / m2;
- Pigmented primer:
a) SIGMAPRIM ASSIST : Liquide with acrylic binder and fillers for acrylic plaster
Consumption: from 8 to 10 m2/l
b) SIGMA ACRYLSILOXAN FILLPRIMER: Liquide with acryl-siloxan binder and fillers
for acryl-siloxan plaster
Consumption: from 4 to 6 m2/l
- Plasters
Acrylic plaster
Facture; spread,
Sigma Acryl Putz Superfein : 0,3÷0,7mm;
Sigma Acryl Putz Fein : 0,5÷1,2mm;
Sigma Acryl Putz Mittel: 1,2÷1,5mm
Sigma Acryl Putz Groβ:1,1÷1,8 mm;
Sigma Acryl Putz Superfein : 1,5 – 2,0 Kg/m²;
Sigma Acryl Putz Fein : 2,0 – 2,2 Kg/m²;
Sigma Acryl Putz Mittel: 2,1 – 2,5 Kg/m²;
Sigma Acryl Putz Groβ : 2,3 – 2,6 Kg/ m²
AcrylSiloxan plasters:
Facture; spread,
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Superfein : 0,3÷0,7mm;
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Fein :1,2 mm.
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Mittel :1,5mm
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Groβ :1,1÷1,8 mm;
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Superfein : 1,5 – 2,0 Kg/m²;
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Fein ; 2,0 – 2,2 Kg/m²;
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Mittel: 2,1 – 2,5 Kg/m²;
Sigma AcrylSiloxan Putz Groβ :2,3 – 2,6 Kg/ m²
Siloxan plaster
Facture; spread,
Sigma Siloxan Putz Superfein : 0,3÷0,7mm;
Sigma Siloxan Putz Fein :1,2 mm.
Sigma Siloxan Putz Mittel :1,5mm
Sigma Siloxan Putz Groβ :1,1÷1,8 mm;
Sigma Siloxan Putz Superfein : 1,5 – 2,0 Kg/m²;
Sigma Siloxan Putz Fein ; 2,0 – 2,2 Kg/m²;
Sigma lSiloxan Putz Mittel: 2,1 – 2,5 Kg/m²;
Sigma Siloxan Putz Groβ :2,3 – 2,6 Kg/ m²