Termékek közzététele
Series 8 - Xray Double Leaf NFR NG11
Series 8 - Xray Double Leaf NFR NG11
Series 8 - Xray Double Leaf NFR NG11
    Noberne Doors

    Series 8 - Xray Double Leaf NFR NG11

    The Series 8 lead lined X-Ray doorset is to our own specialist design with the door and frame incorporating a lead insert from Code 3 (1.32mm) to Code 7 (3.15mm). At 46mm thick it offers a lighter weight construction than most other x-ray doors on the market. Available as singles and pairs including vision panels.
    • Specification Core of 2 No. 18mm plywood sheets separated by a lead membrane of a thickness in keeping with anticipated radiation level. Doors faced with 4mm MDF or high density chipboard to receive veneers; laminate; 6mm hardwood lippings to both long edges and top and bottom edges. Standard door frame section EX 150mm x 63mm hardwood. Thickness with Code 5 lead 46mm. Fire rated doors are 54mm thick where vision panels are required. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 54 kg/m2. Accoustics Tested to achieve a minimum 35dB Rw for single leaf, single action doorsets at Salford University in conjunction with appropriate accoustic seals. Availability Noberne X-RAY doors are available as single or pairs of doors in a large range of sizes and finshes to suit customers’ requirements. Fire rating We have full EN 1634-1 2000 fire test evidence on singles 2045mm x 1053mm wide, and on pairs 2250mm x 1003mm wide each leaf up to 2230mm x 918mm. We can achieve a maximum glazed area of 0.32m2 in 54mm thick doors. Further details are available on request.
    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítóSeries8XRayNFRDoubleNG11
    • TermékcsaládX-Ray
    • TermékcsoportFire Door
    • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
    • Megjelenés dátuma2017-11-13
    • Verziószám1
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Elsődleges anyagFa
    • Másodlagos anyagSheet metal
    • Tervezés helyeEgyesült Királyság
    • Gyártás helyeEgyesült Királyság
    • BIMobject kategóriaAjtók - Ajtókészletek
    • IFC besorolásAjtó
    • UNSPSC névDoors
    • UNSPSC kód301715
    • Uniclass 2015 kódAc_15_50_25
    • Uniclass 2015 leírásDoors, windows and glazing surveying
    • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryDoor

    Termék elérhetősége

    Egyesült Királyság