Energy-efficient circulator pump, ideally suited to heating and air-conditioning applications, designed to suit any systems demanding efficiency and reliable performance, as well as versatility: once installed, it requires no further attention, outside of routine maintenance.
Key to its versatility is the motor head, which can be turned to three different positions to accommodate the requirements of even the tightest spaces; You can also choose Evoplus Lite's performance level to achieve up to six different performance levels (curves).
Reliability. Increased separation between the motor and electronics with air circulating; summer Mode function: every 25 hours, Evoplus Lite comes back on, circulating the water long enough to stop limescale residue building up, which could otherwise clog the system.
Ease of use: only one plug & play connector; only one set-up button; easy to monitor thanks to intuitive interface, and the 7-LED display is easy to read.
Termék elérhetősége
Európa |
Åland |
Albania |
Andorra |
Ausztria |
Belgium |
Bosznia-Hercegovina |
Bulgária |
Ciprus |
Csehország |
Dánia |
Egyesült Királyság |
Észak-Macedónia |
Észtország |
Fehéroroszország |
Feröer-szigetek |
Finnország |
Franciaország |
Gibraltár |
Görögország |
Guernsey |
Hollandia |
Horvátország |
Írország |
Izland |
Jersey |
Lengyelország |
Lettország |
Liechtenstein |
Litvánia |
Luxemburg |
Magyarország |
Málta |
Man-sziget |
Moldova |
Monaco |
Montenegró |
Németország |
Norvégia |
Olaszország |
Oroszország |
Portugália |
Románia |
San Marino |
Spanyolország |
Svájc |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Svédország |
Szerbia |
Szlovákia |
Szlovénia |
Ukrajna |
Vatikán |