Termékek közzététele
Floorin System - Cross-laminated timber (CLT) Pine wood
Floorin System - Cross-laminated timber (CLT) Pine wood

    Floorin System - Cross-laminated timber (CLT) Pine wood

    Cross-laminated timber (CLT) flooring made of laminated pine wood, consisting of panels composed of solid radiata pine and/or pinaster pine boards glued together in 3, 5, 7, or 9 symmetrical and counterbalanced layers, suitable for use in service classes 1 and 2. The surface is planed. The panels have a maximum width of 3000 mm and a maximum length of 12000 mm, available in a minimum thickness of 60 mm (3 layers of 20 mm) and a maximum thickness of 360 mm (9 layers of 40 mm).
    • Cross-laminated timber (CLT) made of pine wood.
    Műszaki specifikáció
    • Egyedi azonosítóforjado_madera_pino_contralaminada_CLT
    • TípusObjektum (egy termék)
    • Megjelenés dátuma2023-10-30
    • Verziószám1
    Kapcsolódó adatok
    • Elsődleges anyagFa
    • BIMobject kategóriaÉpítészeti alapanyagok - Faipari