Digital Recirculation Valve, the Brain with Brainscan, DRV50BS
DRV50BS Digital Recirculation Valve (DRV), with BrainScan® - hot water monitoring control module, designed specifically to be the primary water temperature controller in a continuously pumped circulating hot water system.
Digital technology provides enhanced water temperature control accuracy which resists zero system demand “Temperature Creep” without the use of a manual throttling valve or a temperature activated pump shut-off device (aquastat).
Operational Specifications
+/-2°F water temperature control at points of use 25’ downstream during demand
+/-2°F water temperature control at the DRV during zero system demand “idling” periods
2°F minimum valve inlet to outlet temperature requirement (system recirculation temperature loss)
Automatic shutoff of hot water flow upon cold water inlet supply failure
Automatic shutoff of hot water flow in the event of a power failure
Programmable set point range of 81-158°F (27-70°C)
Programmable thermal disinfection mode
Programmable 1st level hi/lo temp alarm display
Programmable temperature error level for safety shutdown
Műszaki specifikáció
Egyedi azonosító21486
TermékcsaládMixing Valves for Liquid Services
TermékcsoportHot Water Products - Water Temperature Controls