Renovating existing walls with rising damp (cementitious-based de-humidifying system)
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Rénovation de murs existants présentant des remontées d'humidité par l'application d'un mortier isolant déshumidifiant, macroporeux, anti-salin, aux liants hydrauliques à réaction pouzzolanique suivi d'une couche d'enduit siloxane hydrofuge et respirant.
POROMAP INTONACO (Salt-resistant, macro-porous insulating and de-humidifying rendering mortar made from Pozzolan-reaction hydraulic binders), POROMAP RINZAFFO (Salt-resistant, transpirant, Pozzolan-reaction hydraulic binder-based mortar), SILANCOLOR BASE COAT (Water-repellent, pigmented siloxane undercoat with a smooth finish and good filling properties), SILANCOLOR TONACHINO (Transpirant, water-repellent textured siloxane coating with good filling properties for internal and external use).