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    RevoSec is an elegant and transparent full-height turnstile available in many configurations: from model FP with full stainless steel construction, roof, rounded glass panel infill, full panel glass wings and stainless steel column; further enhanced by framed glass panel wings and brush strips (model FG).

    Delivered in a kit form, it is easily transported to the installation site. The RevoSec is available with three (120°) rotor elements for more passage clearance. 

    The RevoSec is available as 1500mm unit diameter.

    Passage in both directions is electronically controlled.

    The RevoSec offers a standard electro-mechanical head able to prevent two passages at one time, equipped with damper for a silent mechanism and smooth operation.

    For models FP and FG, a sensor restricts access to the dead area generating an alarm in case of passage in the unauthorised direction of passage. The door will lock and then release in this direction via a cornice mounted keyswitch.

    In the event of an emergency or power-off scenario, the unit can be configured fail-safe i.e. rotor freely rotates or fail-lock i.e. rotor locks. This option is available either in one or both directions of passage.

    • Technical Specifications


      Hand operated. Logic Voltage 24Vac.


      Casework: 304 grade grained stainless steel

      Glass Infill: 8.2mm laminated glass panels

      Ceiling: Painted MDF, standard white RAL 9010

      Rotor Wings (FP/FG): 10mm thick toughened glass

      panels laminated 11.5mm thick with brush strips/ slated

      acrylic wings 20mm thick with stator bars

      Rotor Column: Tubular 304 grade stainless steel


      Electro-mechanical head mechanism:

      • Positive action lock to prevent two passages at a time

      • Self centring mechanism to ensure complete rotation in

      the rest position

      • Anti backup device to prevent reverse rotation once the

      head moved 30° from rest position

      • Hyrdraulic damper to ensure a smooth and quiet


      Power Failure / Fire Alarm

      The rotor wings remain locked in the fail-lock configuration

      (not recommended for FP and FG models to not trap

      people in the dead area) or can freely rotate in the fail-safe

      configuration. Fail-Lock or Fail-Safe configuration is

      available in one or both directions and must be specified at

      time of order placement. Note that head mechanism fail

      state will be the same as power failure choice. Input facility

      is available for voltage free contact to effect fire alarm fail

      state (COMR1 interface required).


      • RevoSec FP90

      • RevoSec FP120

      • RevoSec FG90

      • RevoSec FG120

    Spécifications techniques
    • Réference unique.RevoSec
    • Famille de produitsRevolving Door
    • Groupe de produitsInternal Revolving Door
    • Date de publication2021-03-12
    • Numéro d'édition1
    En rapport
    • Matériel principalAcier inoxydable
    • Matériel secondaireVerre
    • Conçu enRoyaume-Uni
    • Fabriqué enItalie
    • Poids net (Kg)470
    • BIMobject CatégoriePortes - Portes rotatives
    • Classification IFCPorte
    • Nom UNSPSCRevolving doors
    • Code UNSPSC30171509
    • Code Uniclass 2015Ss_25_30_20_70
    • Description de l'Uniclass 2015Revolving doorset systems
    • Code CSI MasterFormat 201408 42 33.13
    • Titre CSI MasterFormat 2014Security Revolving Door Entrances
    • Numéro OmniClass23-13 33 21 15 13
    • Titre OmniClassRevolving Door Stainless-Steel-Framed Entrances
    • Code CSI UniFormat IIB2030
    • Titre CSI UniFormat IIExterior Doors