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TriStile RO Tripod Turnstile
TriStile RO Tripod Turnstile

    TriStile RO Tripod Turnstile

    Gunnebo TriStile RO 

    Tripod Turnstile for Internal Installation*

    Tripod Turnstiles are entrance solutions designed for smooth and silent operation, less wear and tear and reduced power consumption, suitable for areas where there is a large flow of people.

    TriStile RO has an elegant casework with rounded ends, ideal for sites where aesthetics and customisation is important. A selection of lids are available alongside the full stainless steel offering.

    On receiving a signal from the access control system, or push button, this allows the passage of one person at a time. The status is shown on the LED way mode indicators, in entry and exit side. 

    Passage in both directions is electronically controlled. The TriStile RO is available in Normally Closed (N/C) configuration to lock the mechanism until a valid authorisation signal is received, or in Normally Open (N/O) configuration to lock the mechanism in the event of attempted unauthorised entry. The N/O configuration also allows reduced power consumption and increases the life of the mechanism and passage throughput speed. In case of emergency, the hub freely rotates for an easier exit. The drop arm option can be chosen which automatically drops the horizontal arm to allow free passage. LED way mode indicators are included as standard.

    * External installation is allowed with stainless steel top lid under canopy

    • Hand-operated


      Casework: 304 grade grained stainless steel

      Casework lid: 304 grade grained stainless steel

      Tripod hub: Cast aluminium with painted grey finish

      Tripod arms: 38mm diameter 480mm 304 polished

      stainless steel


      Electro-mechanical head mechanism:

      • Positive locking action for one passage at a time

      • Self-centering mechanism to ensure complete rotation

      into the home position

      • Hyrdraulic damper to ensure smooth operation

      • Anti-backup device to prevent reverse rotation once the

      mechanism has moved 60° from home

      Power Failure / Fire Alarm

      • Either one or both directions can be fail-safe (standard),

      i.e. rotates freely, or fail lock, i.e. locks in the home


      • Fire alarm - emergency input. Input facility available for

      free voltage contact to effect fail-state

      • Mechanism fail state will be the same as power failure


      • Drop arm option: the horizontal arm drops to create

      passage for evacuation


      LL2001Lite microprocessor control logic:

      • One input for opening/locking in each direction

      • Two protected outputs controlling opening/locking

      • Four protected outputs piloting way mode indicators

      • Two protected outputs counting passage in either


      • Two OV output relays indicating availability of use or

      counting passage in either direction

      • Two open collector NPN outputs to count passage or to

      indicate availability of use in either direction or to activate

      the optional drop arm feature

    Spécifications techniques
    • Réference unique.tristile-ro-tripod-turnstile
    • Famille de produitsTurnstiles
    • Groupe de produitsTripod Turnstile
    • Date de publication2021-03-12
    • Numéro d'édition1
    • Hauteur (mm)950
    • Largeur (mm)1135
    • Profondeur (mm)820
    En rapport
    • Matériel principalAcier inoxydable
    • Conçu enRoyaume-Uni
    • Fabriqué enItalie
    • Poids net (Kg)50
    • BIMobject CatégoriePortes - Sécurité
    • Classification IFCPorte
    • Code Uniclass 2015TE_70_40_70_90
    • Description de l'Uniclass 2015Tripods
    • Code CSI MasterFormat 201411 14 13.19
    • Titre CSI MasterFormat 2014Turnstiles
    • Numéro OmniClass23-29 13 23 11
    • Titre OmniClassWaist Height Turnstiles
    • Code CSI UniFormat IIC1020
    • Titre CSI UniFormat IIInterior Doors