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DuraCoil™ HP High Performance Rolling Service Doors

DuraCoil™ HP High Performance Rolling Service Doors

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Portes de service roulantes hautes performances

Chaque porte roulante en acier haute performance DuraCoil est conçue pour des performances supérieures et une sécurité maximale. Profitez d'une porte plus rapide avec une durée de vie plus longue et une fiabilité accrue avec pratiquement aucun entretien. Cette porte est idéale pour les garages de stationnement, les concessionnaires automobiles et divers types d'installations de fabrication.

  • DuraCoil HP Features and Options

    Raynor DuraCoil High Performance rolling service doors are available with numerous features and options, including those listed below.

    ControlHoist CDD Operator

    All of our high performance doors feature our ControlHoist direct drive operator. This operator is specifically designed for applications where optimized performance, reliability, speed, and lifespan are required. This operator features a soft start and stop for a smooth open and close, resulting in less wear on the door and less overall maintenance. Manual chain included for power outage.

    Control Panel

    These doors have an easy-to-use control panel. Raynor’s DuraCoil HP rolling steel doors come standard with logic board and have the option to upgrade to a PLC board.

    Faster Operating Speeds

    The DuraCoil HP has opening speeds of 24 inches per second and closing speeds of 12 inches per second, minimizing air exchange and allowing for increased energy efficiencies throughout the facility.

    Low Maintenance and Long Life

    The DuraCoil HP is engineered for excellence. With a springless barrel design and enhanced features this door offers years of smooth operation with minimal maintenance. Raynor guarantees a 300,000 cycle life.


    Each DuraCoil HP curtain is assembled with durable commercial grade slats using your choice of steel or stainless steel.

    Curtain Hood

    DuraCoil Rolling service doors feature a full-width, 24-gauge steel hood to protect your investment.

    Guides and End Locks

    Rugged steel angle guides provide maximum support for curtain slats. Zinc-plated, malleable cast-iron end locks prevent lateral movement of the curtain slats. High cycle UHMW is applied inside the front and middle guides to reduce curtain wear.

    Bottom Bar

    Curtain bottoms are structurally reinforced with a minimum of two steel angles for maximum durability. A bottom astragal is included on all doors. UHMW applied to the ends of the bottom bar extended the lifetime of the curtain.

    DuraCoil Energy-Saving Options

    Rubber Hood Baffle

    Our rubber hood baffle consists of a reinforced neoprene sheet resting on the curtain to help minimize air infiltration. We also offer a rubber head seal for increased energy savings.

    Sound Transmission Class Rating

    Sound Transmission Class rating applies to HIF (Insulated Flat Slat) model only. STC 22 without brushed header seal STC 23 with brushed header seal

    Vinyl Guide Seal

    A vinyl extrusion decreases energy costs and reduces air infiltration by sealing the side of the door when closed. A brushed seal and rubber guide seal are also available.

    IECC Compliance Option

    Raynor DuraCoil High Performance Insulated Flat Slat (HIF) doors comply with the IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) requirements of a maximum air leakage rate of 1.0 CFM/FT2. Raynor’s DuraCoil (HIF) door outperformed the IECC requirements by achieving an air infiltration rate of .47 CFM/FT2, and a tested U Factor rating of 0.90 Btu/hr-ft2-F, both validated by an independent testing agency. This IECC compliance option includes a vinyl guide seal, rubber hood baffle and a rubber header seal.

Spécifications techniques
  • Réference unique.duracoil-hp-rolling-service-doors
  • Famille de produitsCommercial Rolling Doors
  • Groupe de produitsDuraCoil™ HP Series Doors
  • TypeObjet (objet simple)
  • Date de publication2023-02-03
  • Numéro d'édition1
En rapport
  • Matériel principalAcier
  • BIMobject CatégoriePortes - Portes de garage

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